Consultancy Project

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Consultancy Project

Consultancy Project


Consultancy is basically referred to obtaining an expert advice on a particular subject for which a group or individual is paid to provide to an individual or organization. The need for consultancy is felt when an individual or organization experiences certain issues. The consultancy agencies aim to resolve the issues by providing an expert advice to the identified problem. It is very important to understand that there is a difference between consulting, research and management. This becomes an issue because many people think that these three concepts are similar. A brief discussion on the differences and the different methods involved in these concepts are presented as follows.

Difference between Consulting, Research and Management

It is very important to understand that consulting, research and management are three different concepts. Basic introduction about these distinct concepts is mentioned as follows that will contribute towards understanding the difference between consulting, research and management. Consulting basically refers to providing an expert advice or opinion about resolving an existing issue or problem that an organization or individual experiences. Consulting could also be referred to as counseling for taking the correct path to solve a particular problem. For example, if an organization plans to extend its business globally, then the organization could go for consultation as to what could be the appropriate measures to move to another country for business (Gendelman, 2010. Pp. 30).

On the other hand, research is a systematic and formal work that is carried out for increasing the knowledge about a particular subject or problem. For example, if the sales of a particular product of an organization are decreasing, then the organization will conduct a research in order to identify the core purpose of the decrease in sales. Finally, management refers to the process through which a manager or leader combines the ...
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