Consultancy Practice

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Consultancy Practice

Consultancy Practice

Phase # 1: Analysis of issues


The organization chosen for the consultancy project proposal is fictional. Yet, the problems defined, solutions suggested and problems identified are real and can be implemented in real-life and practical cases. Visionary Integrations is operating in software developments and website making since 1999. The company not only caters the local market but fulfil the needs of international clients as well. The nature of work is very sensitive in this company and must be confidential. Any leakage or data theft may make Visionary Integrations face loss of millions of dollars and clients. Recently, the company faced a data theft from one of its ex-employees. It was detected on time, but now Visionary Integrations need a full proof action plan against any insecurity related to its computer and network systems. For this purpose, this consultancy practice is proposed by me where I offer the right solution for Visionary Integrations and my willingness to work with the company as their consultant. With every technology, comes great risks and therefore organizations need to put their technologies into secure and safe positions. Fulfilling this purpose, I as a computer security consultant will guide you how to secure and save your computer and network systems.


The main objectives for this consultancy practice proposal are:

To look over the scenario faced by Visionary Integrations and their needs and requirements

To focus on the most appropriate solutions

To devise an actionable solution for the company against their problem

Assumptions and requirements

The main assumptions and requirements related to this proposal are as follows:

•Continuous guidance from an expert

•Dealing only those problems which are identified

•Only those problems are present which are identified

•No external factors affecting the solution

Rationale of the Proposal

The main objective of this proposal is to propose steps as a computer security consultant. The project proposes various steps the company is following, the weak points of the company and the proposed solutions and processes for Visionary Integrations. The different articles and authors used in this project as a reference help in providing support to the consultancy project. The work of Whiteman supports the academic aspect of the project because it is based on the works of information system. This helps the consultancy project on computer security to evaluate different works on information system research. Another work cited by Oppliger focuses on the computer security system such as firewalls. The paper also focuses on the benefits and weaknesses of having firewalls as security of computer systems. The work by Power is related to the government FBI survey on computer crime and security. The paper discusses the security threats, technical risks and monitoring of various events. The work of Pfleeger is related to the cyber security and privacy of information security system. The paper discusses various security threats and viruses, networks and web applications.

Statement of Needs and Benefits

With the advancement and focus on information systems via internet and computer networks within Visionary Integrations, many problems are arising of which the most important is the computer security ...
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