Consultancy Case

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KeepWarm Ground Source Heating Ltd

KeepWarm Ground Source Heating Ltd


The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the case study of KeepWarm Ground Source Heating Ltd related to the consultancy. The paper analyzes the key considerations for the case study helpful in deciding the ways through which the new system could be acquired. The paper also discusses the reasons through which the case study will be beneficial from hiring a business analyst. The paper also provides the ways which will be helpful for the organization to keep into consideration and mitigating any issue that often occur at the time of employing consultants. The paper is also an analysis on the case requirements most difficult for implementation purpose along with the value of using the UML so that the business processes could be identified and defined.

Company Overview

KeepWarm Ground Source Heating Ltd is working in United Kingdom as a manufacturer and the supplier of heat pumps. The company is working for also providing the heating systems in United Kingdom. Heat pumps are considered to be the most favourite method which can be used for building the heats as it is helpful in providing efficient energies. The heat pumps are also an effective method used in properly saving the costs of the consumer and increasing the contributions to fight against the global warming. The heat pumps are also taken as an alternative to the refrigerators and they are called the reverse refrigerators. This is the system through which the cooling elements are placed outside the building and it ends up being the heated element. Therefore, it is called as a reverse refrigerator. This product of KeepWarm Ground Source Heating Ltd is very much in demand and it is also in line with the daily and recent needs of the today's people.

What are the key considerations for the case study in deciding to acquire a new system?

In order to develop the new system, KeepWarm Ground Source Heating Ltd has developed the market and product strategy. The main focus of KeepWarm Ground Source Heating Ltd's strategies is product. Another way to grow is to develop new products. The acquisition of the new system had always been difficult for the KeepWarm Ground Source Heating Ltd in acquiring a new system. The new system acquisition had been difficult for KeepWarm Ground Source Heating Ltd; therefore, it has developed a complete product strategy which has helped the company in gaining the knowledge and deciding the ways through which the new system could be acquired (Andersen, 1999, p. 12). A system has been developed assuring that the new system acquisition process could be successfully implemented with the help of effective planning. The effective planning is the main key through which the activities for the new system acquisition could be effectively understood. The effective planning also assures KeepWarm Ground Source Heating Ltd to understand about the goals and the challenges through which the company is dealing. Therefore, KeepWarm Ground Source Heating Ltd has assured that the company is going ...
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