Constructivism Theory & Technology

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Constructivism Theory & Technology

Constructivism Theory & Technology


This paper discusses the various aspects and perspectives of constructivism theory. There are many issues, and challenges pertaining to this theory incorporating learning which are further elaborated in this paper. Technology plays a pivotal role in the learning processes. Therefore, it can be stated that technology facilitates the learning in various manners in this theory related to constructivism. The relationship between constructivism theory and technology is beneficial for human learning and development. This has provided opportunities to students and teachers in the field of education.


Constructivism theory refers to individual's learning. Technology is involved in person's learning and development these days. This is marked by the advent of technology which has created various methods of learning such as online education. However, there are various issues and challenges which must be kept under consideration in case of constructivism theory. Technology presents information for education purpose, but his might impact the students in a negative manner. The constructivism theory also elaborates the persuasion of humans to educate them by will. This means that teachers should adapt to changes in educational institutions to motivate the students in learning and development by acquiring information instead of forcing them to learn.

Constructivism Theory

There are many schools of thought within the constructivist theories, but they all take the same basic principles. In all, the focus is placed on the student rather than the teacher. Constructivist theory is based on the postulate that man as a social being builds knowledge, which must contribute to the development of the field in which the human being works. Individuals learn through various means and methods which are suitable to them. The selection of the method is based on their convenience (Zane, 2009).

School as education place must allow that individuals will be able to build their own knowledge. There is an emphasis on teacher as a subject of education allows a pupil to participate actively in activities and methodologies enabling the student as a subject of learning to learn significantly. In the same way, the teacher must improve their teaching methodologies. This offers a teaching based on the acquisition of knowledge, where the student repeats, memorizes, and little actually participates in the construction of knowledge. Professors from school should allow students to participate in their own learning. He should change the view that only he, as a teacher, has the knowledge and the student is an inactive taxable person.

Von Glasersfeld portrays constructivism as "a hypothesis of information with roots in reasoning, brain science, and computer science". Disclosure, active, experiential, community oriented, venture based, and undertaking based studying are various requisitions that build education and learning with respect to constructivism. Constructivism is likewise regularly misinterpreted as a studying hypothesis that propels people to reformulate the learning styles. Actually, constructivism takes advantage of and triggers the student's inherent interest about the functioning of the world and people. They get captivated by applying their existing learning and true experience, figuring out how to guess, testing their speculations, and eventually making determinations ...
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