Constituents Of Good Writing

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Constituents of Good Writing


Writing is a complex speech activity that due to its integration of various skills acts a unique method of teaching and learning. The students' performance has been shown to increase dramatically as a result of practicing analytical reading. Learning to write efficiently can be based on a system of step-by-step exercises combining writing with reading on various topics. Style is one of the most challenging constituents of good writing that sometimes tends to be neglected. Cognitive inner-directed model of writing and the outer-directed model focused on the social aspects of the writing discourse highlight different features of this complex activity that are not in fact conflicting with each other.


Thesis Statement1


Connection between Reading and Writing2

Importance of Writing Styles3

Relationship between Writing and Thinking5

Basic Steps of Good Writing6



Constituents of Good Writing


Writing, in the 20th century has just not remained an option but becomes a necessity. In order to get academic success, writing skills along with the reading comprehension is also a predictor and a basic requirement for participating in the global economy and the civic life. Despite this need, every year large number of graduates from different universities of United States of America are unable to even write at the foundation levels prerequisite by the colleges or the employers. The problem may also be identified with the help of the fact that the drop-out rate is about 7,000 young people every day (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2006) and many of them face this situation because they lack the basic literacy skills to meet the growing demands of high school curriculum. Literacy includes both reading and writing skills that is why it is important to consider the writing proficiency in the new millennium. Much research has been conducted over developing good writing skills and what constitutes a good writing piece. The connection between reading and writing is much debated among such elements along with the importance of writing style. How different cognition models play their roles in writing effectively is also a major topic to understand the basics of good writing.

Thesis Statement

“Incorporating reading, giving importance to writing style along with considering the social context while composition, constitute good writing skills”.


Connection between Reading and Writing

The research about the incorporation of findings about the importance of reading for effective writing is continued for last few decades. Many volumes, literature reviews and reviews have been devoted to elaborate the writing and reading connection. It is natural that the literacy development of children comes through the writing and reading activities they go through. Such activities are essential for developing the reading and writing skills in children. Researchers suggest that writing and reading process are interdependent and provide mutual benefits to each other (Fawcett, 2011). The link between writing and reading is based on communication, as writing skills are improved through routine communicative use, reading is also enhanced. It is important for children development that both processes should grow as a natural expansion of the need to communicate of ...
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