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In this study we try to explore the concept of “Constantine” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Constantine” and its relation with “Christianity and the people belonging to the religion”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Constantine” and tries to gauge its effect on “the persecution that previously occurred under his reign”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “Constantine” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Constantine” on “the overall history of Christianity”.

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If someone were to ask you to list the top ten most controversial names in the history of Christendom, in general, what names would you list? Upon hearing such a question some of our minds might immediately skip right to Jesus, Paul, Peter and the rest of the Lord's apostles but let us say for a moment that the Lord and His apostles are set to the side, which would you then say? To be certain when I asked this question to myself I immediately thought of the reformers such as Martin Luther and John Calvin (not to mention Zwingli, Knox and forerunners like Huss, Tyndale and Wycliffe). Surely we could also speak of some of the popes that have done not just a few interesting things throughout the centuries. We would be remiss if we did not also consider Athanasius and Arius and the incredible uproar over doctrines that their names are tied to even up to this day. There is, however, one individual whose name should certainly be found in the ranks of the top ten most controversial names of Christendom and that is the name Constantine (A.K.A. Emperor Constantine the Great).

Indeed it is hard to imagine another individual in the history of Christendom that carries as much controversy with his name as Emperor Constantine the Great. This is assuredly the case because Constantine was the first Roman Emperor to accept Christianity as his religion of choice, not to mention that there are conspiracy theories out the ear concerning whether or not Constantine had the Bible edited, changed and rewritten, and finally it was Constantine that called together the council of Nicea to put an end to the controversy in the church over the nature of Jesus in relation to the Father. The impact of these things is hard to overstate. Because of his conversion to Christianity, and thereby his decree that it was to be the state religion, Christians were finally free from persecution from the government for the first time since the death of our Lord. Furthermore, because Constantine ordered that more copies of the New Testament be made the Bible had more freedom to be distributed and taught openly. Finally, because of Constantine's desire to keep the peace, he called together the council of Nicea and the issue of Jesus' full divinity was settled (although Arianism raged on and was even the prominent view for some time). It is clear that the life of Constantine ...
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