Conservative Party

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Conservative party

Conservative party

In what ways has David Cameron changed the conservative party?

David Cameron has managed to move the party back towards the traditional One Nation roots, focusing the party on an inclusive socially liberal centrist ethos. The party now accepts gay rights and civil partnerships, admitting its mistake in introducing section 28 and rejecting its traditional Victorian moral hectoring. The party has moved towards an inclusive agenda with regards to minorities, accepting the multi-racial mix of modern Britain.

There belief has been re-founded in strong local government, fitting into its new localism agenda (Mark, 2006). The dedication to the NHS and education reform are points that show a clear acceptance of such institutions and there importance to people. Finally the party has rediscovered its commitment to helping those that need help and creating a society that works together, with emphasis on community.

In the 21st Century, AUTHOR hardly think it an achievement for a mainstream political party to accept ethnic minorities in a multi-cultural society such as the United Kingdom.

However, whets the Conservatives do and what the Conservatives actually mean are two very different things (Green, 2006). If you look at the percentage break down of the conservative party, the majority of its MPs are old white and male. Yes, they may have a brown haired figure head, but a figure head is all that Cameron is. The traditional Victorian style of politics is still very much in play, and looking at the constitution of the members of the party emphasises this.

The hold of Thatcherism over the Conservative party has weakened since David Cameron became leader in 2005, with a repudiation of some of her beliefs and clear distinctions between her party and that of David Cameron. The party under Cameron has placed emphasis on the environment, unemployment, international development, poverty, education, strong local government and the NHS (Frank, 2007). The party when Thatcher was leader was seen as been hostile at best towards these policy areas and therefore out of bounds for them to attempt to propose anything on these policy areas. The next generation of Conservative MPs in 2010 are a more socially liberal, inclusive and modern group than that under Margaret Thatcher and still there in some quarters of the party.

David Cameron has managed to bring the Conservative party back into the mainstream of British politics and planted the flag of Conservatism firmly within the centre-right of ...
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