Consequential Moral Reasoning

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Consequential Moral Reasoning

Consequential Moral Reasoning


Technology has transformed the life of the human being. The diseases and issues related to humans were considered impossible to solve; however, the technology has provided new dimensions to address these and many other health related issues. Research on stem cells and genetic engineering has created a new horizon in the world of possibilities. Besides all these revolutionary changes, this technology has raised several ethical and political controversies. As a matter of fact, the technology does provide a wider base to deal with complex human and nature related issues; however, the only point of difference resides at one's frame of reference or lens through which one sees the whole scenario. Some raise ethical concerns on the process or tools used in this technology in terms of its impact on future generations and nature while other's yardstick to judge the situation depends on its consequences. Whatever the case may be, these ethical issues are not absolute hindrances, and there is availability of room for improvement.



The opponents of the stem cell raise their concerns over the destruction of human embryo. The derivation of human embryonic stem cell involves the removal of trophoblast - the outer layer of an embryo. Opponents of this technology argue that the research is morally wrong because it involves the killing of innocent human beings. In addition to that, the opponents of genetic engineering believe that fixing of DNA will bring natural imbalance in the future, and that is against the natural laws (Canela, 2002).


Consequentialist moral theories hold that the appropriateness or inappropriateness of an action depends on its consequences. However, these technologies namely, stem cell research and genetic engineering promises a great deal of cures of the diseases which otherwise are incurable. From the lens of consequentialism, the benefits ...