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Confucius was one of the greatest Chinese philosophers. He belonged to the spring and autumn period. Confucius was born in 551 BC. The focus of his philosophy was towards the concept of governmental and personal morality, justice, sincerity, and social relationship. Confucius is still remembered by people living in modern societies because of his philosophies towards life. The essence of Confucius's social and political ideas lies in his creative regain of tradition.

The philosophy of Confucius is the basis of traditional Chinese values. There are diverse moral and political implications of Confucius' philosophy. The philosophy of Confucius has played a dominant role in the ancient Chinese dynasty. The values described by Confucius are still valuable. These values are of significant in influencing the ethics of people living in modern society.

Confucius lived in an age of great political disorder. The Zhou royal house had lost its authority and the many feudal lords were competing for hegemony. He was concerned with the problems of restoring order and harmony to society and of keeping alive the ancient virtues of personal integrity and social justice. For him, a good ruler is one who governs by moral persuasion and who loves the people as a father loves his children. Confucius was especially learned in rites and music, finding in them both the inspiration and the means for the achievement of moral rectitude in society. He reflected deeply on the human situation about him in the light of the wisdom of the ancients. At the age of thirty he felt that he was standing firm on his insights and convictions.


Basic Principles

There are two principles of Confucius' philosophy. These principles include the understanding of heavens and the relationship between human beings and heavens. Confucius believed that human beings are highly valuable in the modern society. The value of human beings is as great as that of heavens.

The basic principle of Confucius's philosophy was to discover the divine part of human nature. He believed that this discovery would be help human beings following the universal codes. The most significant part of Confucian philosophy was social philosophy. The significance of social philosophy in Confucian's ideas can be comprehended from the fact that Confucianism always focused on creating an ideal human society.

The bases of social philosophy of Confucius include principles of administration, politics, and ways of ruling. The Confucius Classics were studies in depth during the period of Han Dynasty. It resulted in the development of a social system on the basis of the theories of Confucius.

Why Confucianism is Important in the Modern World

People in the modern world still remember Confucius because of his philosophical thoughts and ideas. The approach of Confucius towards philosophy holds significant importance in the modern world. Confucius introduced and described the way of leading people. According to Confucius, leaders should lead people with administrative commands that are known as Zheng in Chinese. He also said that people can be kept in an order through the penal law that is also ...
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