Conflicts In Criminal Justice

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Conflicts in Criminal Justice

Conflicts in Criminal Justice


Law enforcement and criminal justice have prevailed in US since last 200 years. These agencies play an important role in managing the law as well as the policies related to it. These agencies have certain policies and rules which can be needed to be followed. They help and protect our society. Similarly, criminal justice is an important part of our society which includes court and corrections, law enforcement and corrections. Laws are rules which need to be followed and if not penalties can be imposed on them. Law enforcement is a source of guidance for the concerned authorities, which must follow it. The future of the society considerably depends on the field of criminal justice (Gilligan, 2009).

Discussion and Analysis

For long periods of time ago, communities of meaning of the criminal justice sanctions, characterized by the time of hardship and injustice and cruelty, but cruelty, and often time limited objectives.

Compare and contrast the Traditional View, the Human Relations View, and the Integrationist View of organizational conflict

In every company can be considered a human resource action, in which each plays his role and, if this is not well defined leads to the possibility of a conflict that degenerates into a negative climate that affects the company's organizational behavior. To do this, management must be well prepared on how to handle it properly, to give way to actions which will promote the solution without affecting the organization. Given this, it is feasible, and it is questionable whether management can be thoroughly prepared to deal with conflict, as how to handle it, how to negotiate. Many times the face leads to not knowing very unfavorable situation for the company, hence the importance of can be tested in scope impacts everything about the conflict. Gilligan gives us on the subject which can be considered the comments made by Valdez (1998), who says that since ancient times problems, conflicts and aggression are part of human life, now the way one can be trained to solve them depends much of its success and development. The traditional approach is to assume that all conflict is bad. Conflicts can be viewed negatively and can be used as a synonym for terms of violence, destruction and irrationality to reinforce its negative connotation (Gilligan, 2009).

The steps to be taken

The first step consists in the presence of conditions which lead to the conflict, which can be classified into three general categories: communication, structure and personal variables.

Or stage of cognition and personalization is the knowledge of one or more parts of the existence of conditions that create opportunities for a conflict.

Stage three is when the intentions intervene between the perceptions and emotions of the people and their overt behavior. Intentions are decisions to act in a given way in a conflict episode.

Or Stage four is when conflicts become visible, as they include statements, actions, and reactions carried out by the parties in conflict.

The last stage is the result; they can be functional ...
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