Conflict Management

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The Group -Conflict Management and Work Teams

The Group -Conflict Management and Work Teams


Conflict is normal in a dynamic company, where ideas flow. The absence of tension would even rather bad sign. The notion of conflict is key and core of the thought of Psychology Social. Conflict is inherent in the interaction of man. Conflict pertains to different interests and opinions between two or more parties on a particular situation or issue. It involves thinking and action of those involved. There are different types of conflicts that arise while managing a project some of them are constructive and some destructive. The scenario chosen for the purpose of this paper is the conflict between team members in an organization. Conflicts exist whenever and wherever people have contact. Because people are organized into groups to seek a common mind, the likelihood of conflict increases greatly. The conflict has a negative connotation for many people.

All conflicts are not the same, they vary and in many respects, facing towards conflicts at all levels. We have disagreements with family, friends and co-workers. "Conflicts are rarely resolved easily. People can get upset with people with whom they are having frequent contact and can tolerate at first their behavior in daily basis, until a situation arises in which strong feelings are the main problem. Such situations revolve almost inevitable that sooner or later will damage within any project or program. Conflicts can then occur within groups or between each member of the groups, while another person will feel the tension when subjected to two or more forces that are mutually exclusive. Conflict is normal in a dynamic company where ideas flow. The lack of tension would be even more bad news. According to a mediator of the association, the conflict is an outcome and not a beginning: the team will no doubt have tried other solutions before we come to open conflict. Listening is the best way to prevent this type of situation.


The organizational conflict is a disagreement between two or more members of a company due to the fact that they have to share scarce resources or activities, but can also originate from the fact that they have different status, goals, values or ideas. It can also be conceived as a process that begins when one party realizes that the other has frustrated, or going to frustrate some of their interests. The consequence is that members of the organization disagree completely, or part of it, and try to make their cause or point of view to overrule the others. In this situation, the most important thing is how to manage conflict and their resulting consequences. Determine whether the conflict will be functional (grow) or dysfunctional (paralyzes) organizational life.

Types of Conflict

Interest-based Conflicts

These conflicts are about the actual or perceived competition by different people or groups have conflicting interests over the content or procedures work, how they evaluate the work and people. Possible management interventions recommended in such conflicts are to define objective criteria for ...
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