Conflict Management

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MPO - The Issue of Conflict Management in Teams


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Table of Contents



Types of Conflicts5

Conflicts of values5

Conflicts of needs5

The Role of Communication5

The Causes & Effects of Conflict Management in Teams6

Applicable Leadership Models for Conflict Management7

Organizational Leadership7

Motivating Leadership8

Creative Leadership8

Addictive Leadership8

Opportunistic Leadership8

Invisible Leadership9

Affective-relational Leadership9


MPO - The Issue of Conflict Management in Teams


The negotiation is registered as a parenthesis which does not, in case of failure to use more drastic means (court proceedings, strikes, arbitration etc.). People are responsible interpersonal relationships in which they find themselves; they are responsible for the resolution of conflicts in which they are involved. Part of health must act quickly to conflicts that disrupt the work environment and/or the quality of services. Its role is to impose a structured process and effective solution to conflict is undertaken by the persons concerned (rather than trying to adjust the content of the conflict itself) and purpose of intervention is not necessarily the cause of conflict but its effects. Of course, in reality, the conflicts are not always completely dissolved all, they should not be ignored. For this reason, we say that the effectiveness of a team depends, at least in large part, on how its members communicate and manage their conflicts.


Conflict is normal in a dynamic company where ideas flow. The lack of tension would even rather bad sign. The conflict is an end and not a beginning: the team will probably try other solutions before coming to open conflict. Listening is the best way to prevent this type of situation. At first, a manager should hear each protagonist in individual interviews and then evaluate whether managerial decision may solve the problem (Zhang, Cao & Tjosvold, 2011; Rogers, Lingard, Boehler, Espin, Klingensmith, Mellinger & Schindler, 2011). The conflict may be based on the allocation of mandate, the definition of areas of power or payment issues, which will no doubt change in the distribution in each case.

In this situation, it is better to use an external person, a mediator, conflict based on irrational factors. Between a service company headquarters and a team, prejudices and antagonisms are frequent. Each generally has a poor knowledge of other constraints. In this case it is necessary to bring the teams to learn what distinguishes them, for example by temporary exchanges of positions, or visits to the workplace (Ayoko, Konrad & Boyle, 2012; Brown, Lewis, Ellis, Stewart, Freeman & Kasperski, 2011). From another point of view, there is no conflict between the two groups. Actually it is a person who claims the right to speak behalf of others, and to be identified. Then the situation arranges her, becoming a simple conflict of people. The room must collect the information needed to address the situation, what are the motivations of the person. Do not in any case a confrontation collective judgments or accusations.

The Scapegoat mechanism is often developed in a team whose identity is not clearly established and where the notion of scapegoat reinforces group identity. If given a scapegoat is removed, another ...
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