Conflict Management

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Conflict Management

Conflict Management

About the company

The paper pertains to the premise of conflict management at Google. The company is an American multinational Corporation Inc, the global leader in the provisions of internet-related products and services. There are three major types of services provided by Google search, cloud computing, software and online advertising. A colossal share of profits is driven from AdWords. The company was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who were enrolled in Ph.D in Stanford University. The first initial public offering was made to 2004, whereas, the owners have a sixteen percent share in the total stock of the company. The head quarters of the company are located in California, United States.

With the passage of time, the company has expanded into several core businesses behind search engine optimization. It has launched several products and services to make the information of the global village easily accessible to each region over the blue planet. It offers several online productivity softwares , office suite, social networking, desktop application and so on. It has launched a operating system for all smart phones and electronic gadgets named android which became world favorite interface for electronic gadgets, and added further to the notion making internet on the go.

The world of internet owes a great deal to Google. The company has brought the search engine that has become a core source for people belonging to all parts of the world to get closer and exchange information. The official website Google has been the premise where every individual having access to search information and reach each other. In the era of information age, there is no individual having access to internet and using any search engine other than Google for any reason on a permanent basis. (Duthel, 2008, pp. 213-294)


The core products of the company are;

Advertising services

The foremost product and the revenue generator for the company comprises of the double click technology, and therefore, leads to the choice of advertisements that are suitable to the desires and demographics of the viewer, and therefore, showing advertisements accordingly.

Search engine

Another major service is the 'search engine optimization'. It indexes billions of websites, and lets the user choose the web site it is looking for. Websites strive harder to get to the first choice at Google web search. The search engine is also supported with several software applications to make the life of people further easier, tools such as Google books, Google maps, Google translator and others. They add much more to the search engine beside the web search.

Productivity tools

Another major component of their products comprise of productivity tools. They comprise of Google mail, AJAX and other tools that help the world connect on a rapid basis and that without many obstructions. There are other services pertaining to the business organization termed as 'Google enterprise' (Gilbert, 2011, pp. 14-31)

About the paper

The paper discusses the concept of virtual teams, as well as, their significance in everyday mechanics of such ...
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