Conflict Management

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Conflict management

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Conflict management


This paper has discussed a situation of conflict management. Moreover, it has highlighted some strategies of conflict management and this paper also evaluates the conflict management strategies. After evaluation, the most fit conflict management strategy will be implemented on the given situation. Apart from that, the backup strategy will be discussed as well and the possible challenges are also highlighted in implementing those strategies (Tekleab & Tesluk, 2009).


The given situation is of the organization named Riordan Manufacturing. The company is intended to hire new teams and begin production of the newly designed Cardi Care Valve heart valves. The company is currently facing an internal conflict and before developing new teams company wants to fix that conflict. Two valuable employees of the organization David Nguyen and James Deal are involved in the conflict. David Nguyen has tried to communicate to his current manager two times regarding his feelings that James Deal is intentionally creating problems on the production line, which is originating David to miss his quality checks. According to James, he says that he has no idea what David is referring to and does not understand why David is trying to cause a problem. James now consulted to his own superintendent because he feels David is scattering rumors that James is looking for other work. David advises his own manager that he is not sure why James thinks this because he has never said anything like that. So the organization wants this issue to be resolved, before starting the new project. An in depth discussion has been done in this paper to resolve the conflict among the employees.

Conflict Management Process

The process of the conflict management starts with the preparation of entry in the conflict scene then the conflict manager analyze the conflict. Moreover, the conflict manager includes the stakeholders and evaluates the available options. Then negotiation and facilitation process starts in which the conflict manager design agreement and after the agreement the conflict manager monitor the agreement. After this process, the conflict manager can exit the process.


Conflict Management Strategies

Five strategies of conflict management can be applied in the given situation. These five strategies of conflict management are given below:

The strategy of Imposition (Shark)

In this strategy forceful, dominated trading type win / lose, we are faced with a situation where the objectives are of utmost importance and relationships little or no importance.

The strategy of delicacy (Teddy Bear)

This strategy is used when it comes to managing two concerns (goals and relationships) the opposite of the previous one, i.e. interpersonal relationships are more important than personal goals achieve. Maintain a positive relationship with each other, a relationship of cordiality and mutual trust is the key concern.

The strategy of clearance (the turtle)

This strategy focuses on the need to avoid conflicts and in this strategy neither the objectives nor the relations are too important for the conflict manager. Sometimes the best way to manage a conflict may ignore it or move away from the circumstances, but ...
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