Conflict Management

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Conflict management and conflict resolution


Literature Review2


Definition of Conflict2

When does conflict occur?3

Organizational conflict4

Conflict and competition4

Classifying conflict5

Sources of conflict5

Levels of conflict7

Conflict Management8

Managing intrapersonal conflict9

Managing Interpersonal Conflict9

Managing Interdepartmental Conflict10

Research Methodology11



Data Analysis14

Ethics and Validity16



Conflict management and conflict resolution


Conflicts are an inevitable part of living. When two or more social entities come in contact with one another with each having objectives (similar or different) that they want to achieve, a conflict may arise. This theme has been a prevalent one since immemorial time with many researches surrounding it. Many scholars have studied various aspects of it and recent studies have diverted their attention more towards the ways of resolving these conflicts that occur. Conflict management and conflict resolution have in recent years got a lot of attention when it especially comes to organisational conflicts. This is because the effects of conflicts can affect largely on the different processes and operations in an organization. Because of the importance of the resolution of conflict associated with the success of organisations, the topic has been of interest to vast number of researchers. Consultants are called to propose ways to resolve organisational conflicts. Today's competitive business environment requires companies to keep a check on conflicts that may hinder the performance of the organisation to ensure future sustainability. Each company has its own set of problems that may raise conflicts. These are required to be recognized to come up with effective conflict management and conflict resolution schemes for an effective performance of employees and success of an organisation.

The aim of this research is to identify the problems in an organisation that might lead to conflicts and the effects of those conflicts on the performance of the employees and on the overall organizational performance. Related to this aim are the objectives of the study that will help in guiding the focus of the study. These objectives are:

To determine the common reasons of conflicts in the organization

To determine the actions or measures taken by the management to resolve or manage those conflicts and to control their occurrence.

To propose or suggest ways to resolve conflicts identified in the study.

Literature Review


The concept of conflict, its management and resolution of conflicts has been a subject of a vast number of studies. Many have identified it as a central and inevitable issue in all areas of social life and in places where people come in contact with each other. Because of its ubiquity, the concept has no single definition with each scholar deviating in their definition from another. The uncertainty surrounds not only the meaning of it but also in how best to cope with it (Bercovitch, 1983, p. 104). For organisations as well this is a major problem that they encounter. It is because of the importance associated with the issues surrounding conflict to an organisation that makes it a topic that needs to be undertaken for research. Knowledge about the studies conducted on the different aspects of the topic by reviewing them will help in identifying as well as resolution of issues that ...
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