Conflict, Decision Making, And Organizational Design

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Conflict, Decision making, and Organizational Design

Conflict Negotiation Strategy

The following steps can be taken to curtail down the potential conflicts in Strayer University:

The Problem

In the beginning of addressing the problem both the Strayer University makes effort to acknowledge the main reason due to which the problem occurred. It is necessary that both the parties are completely aware of the potential risk that is present to both the parties after giving a rise to the existing issue. The article published by Negotiation Experts “Pre-Negotiation Strategy Check List (Part 1)", it has been suggested by Steven Roberts that, there are mainly two types of conflict agreements related to allocation of resources and related to conflicts. The disagreement over allocation of resource is over the utilization of intangible and tangible resources for instance quantity, production and money.


At the time of commencement of a conflict, it has been observed that the trust has already been broken. In order to re-establish trust, it is necessary to put into use anything that is as good as equivalent to trust in the respective negotiation. In the article "Ask the Negotiator" published in Negotiator Magazine, it has been suggested by Steven Cohen, in the overall experience, negotiators that trust each other are more inclined to reach a wise agreement effectively and quickly.

Interest-Based Negotiation

Interest based or integrative bargaining is also known as interest based negotiation; it is an arrangement that is in favor of all the parties that are involved in the agreement. The negotiation is a total win-win situation for both the parties as the interest is mutual in the dispute. In this situation the aim is to address the matter directly, both the parties have integrate interest into the agreement. They work together to find the best possible solution.

Positional Bargaining

To handle an aggressive situation, the strategy used is positional bargaining strategy. In a conflict in which both the parties want to walk away with an upper hand in the situation, oppositions are disputants and both the parties are desperate to win. In the article "Mediating Justice”, author George Adams states that the in such kind of conflicts are only resolved if there is zone of agreement created and both the parties must settle in one result that falls within the range.

Principled Negotiation

In the principle negotiations, there is a combination of attributes related to interest based bargaining and positional bargaining. In this scenario both the parties want to win, but they adopt the cooperative approach instead of pursuing aggressively. The result obtained from this negotiation is of objective standard and there are varieties of possibilities for deciding what is to be done (Facione, P. & Facione, N., 2007).

Evidence -Based Management Could Be Applied To the Work Environment

Below are the five main principles that are adopted by Strayer University while applying evidence based management:

It necessary for Strayer University to face the hard facts and to create a culture that encourages people to tell the truth even if it is unpleasant.

The Strayer University is committed to taking the decision that is ...
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