Conflict Behaviors

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Conflict Behaviors

Conflict Behaviors


So far less tangible than the physical destruction of war, the consequences of the conflict in the psychology of the individual and society, are profound, as they are ignored. If the relationships that lead to a conflict must be ameliorated, if it is taken that psychology drives the attitudes and behavior of individuals and groups, then a new emphasis should be placed on understanding the social psychology of conflict and its consequences. The suffering and injuries that result from war should be considered priorities in the plans for peace. Effective means to address these less visible consequences of violent conflict must be developed if the correct and sustainable peace to be realized.

For a more complete understanding of conflict and conflict management, social psychology, as the basis of the analysis should be used as a complement to the political and economic analysis is usually used. Economic analysis explains the fundamental inequalities and injustices that exist in contradiction of society, while political analysis contributes to understanding the nature and deficiencies in the States, ideally leading to a model of responsible and legitimate government. Both political and economic approaches are needed to understand the root causes of violence, as well as to provide the necessary prospects for effective conflict management. However, for a comprehensive analysis of conflict, social and psychological aspects also need to understand and solve. Socio-psychological analysis, combined with political and economic analysis, allows a deeper understanding of conflict and conflict management.


In the socio-psychological analysis of conflict, the emphasis on the importance of recognizing history. Previous wars, the previous acts of aggression had been committed, or previous actions that led to a loss of confidence is not simply forgotten. Denying these realities of the past, not removing them from history. On the contrary, denying claims, rooted ...
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