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Persepolis is subtitled "The Story of a Childhood," but this story actually portrays the personal history of Marjane Satrapi with her native country. This story contains many different aspects of the history of Iraq. Satrapi could not found any memory of Iran in her mind as she was too young that time. That was the worst time in Iraq after the war began. No one was safe and there were major insecurities and risks to lives. Even so she was very less sympathetic for all that happenings (Karin, 2003).

When Marjane Satrapi was ten years old, the Shah of Iran was swept out of power by the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Satrapi belonged to a liberal family who had a past of protesting in the opposition of Shah themselves. Many of them were imprisoned and executed by Shah's police even they were once friends of Shah. It was soon found by them that under Iran was equally oppressive under the ayatollahs. It was observed by Satrapi that all women were eparated form men and women were forced to wear veil and with the beginning of the war among Iraq and Iran, the children would twice a day lined up to mourn the war dead. Satrapi learnt rebelliousness from her parents, and with the passage of time when she was a teenager she realized that it was very dangerous for her life to stay in Iraq. When she was fourteen, she was sent to Vienna to live with her friends and to work in Paris as an illustrator (Satrapi, 2007).


The pages of Persepolis were pervaded with the sadness and sorrows. It was filled with the mourning for the friends and family who became victims to the ayatollahs and the Shah and the sorrows were also in the love of the country that seemed to be suffering through one form of oppression after another. It was Satrapi's wry humor that prevented the sadness level from becoming unbearable. An emotional pitch of her story was handled exceptionally by Satrapi and resulted in a highly moving story (Satrapi, 2007).

The Theme “Conflict”

There held a Civil Strife and National Conflict in Iran. That was the time when the situation in Iran was very complicated and there were two types of war taking place. One was the internal struggle among the government of Iran and its people as the cruel regime of Shah that offered direction and ways to the oppressive regime of the Ayatollah Khomeini. Second was the war between Iran and Iraq that started in 1980 and ended in 1990 (Karin, 2003).

Those were the two wars that seemed to be of contradictory natures. When the war between Iran and Iran was heat up, once Mreji with her father were motivated by the feelings of patriotism when they heard their national anthem played on television which was banned under Khomeini's regime. It was further discovered by them that the fighter pilots who were imprisoned by the government demanded to broadcast the national anthem as a failed ...
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