Conference Discussion

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Conference Discussion

Conference Discussion

Answer 1

The case scenario reveals that in organizations today face great challenges, the global landscape requires constant change and adaptation to new scenarios, where the supply of services and products is unlimited, and competitors are national and international. Conflict in organizations can bring growth, innovation and creativity, however, if we do not know to manage them constructively it could lead to a bad working environment, lack of interest and motivation for the work done, low productivity and high rates of absenteeism. Sources of conflicts that arise in organizations include disagreements on how the resources are distributed (equipment, budget, authority), poor communications, differences in expectations (on tasks, goals, hierarchy), organizational structure with inaccuracies of roles, tasks and interdependence of work, as well as interpersonal differences in values, positions, interests, personalities (Black, 2008).

The conflicts in an organization can be minimized though a persuasive and productive communication between the employers and employees. A key element in all persuasive process adopted by the communicators is the receiver or audience. Early research focused on certain unique variables, such as intelligence, self-esteem, gender and need for social approval. Persuasive communication thus develops effective internal and external trade and promotes mutual understanding. It can bring about change if it is done well and resistances otherwise. Behavior change generally is used in persuasion and argumentation. This approach is probably the most accessible and most frequently to destabilize the value system of a person. Persuasive communicators are aimed at getting others to support their decisions and opinions. The change in attitude of persuasive communicators is determined primarily by two processes: message receipt and acceptance. The receiver characteristics sometimes have adverse effects on each of these two components. Recent work indicates that higher intelligence is associated with the decrease of persuasion. Self-esteem, on the other hand, seems to be positively related to the receipt and acceptance negatively (Pondy, 2007).

Answer 2

I believe that employee labels at the workplace are the great source of motivation for the employees. They reflect the employee ownership, dedication and motivation towards their jobs. It has been observed that effective organizational changes are very important for the success of the organization. On the other hand, it is very important for the employees of the organization to understand the importance of the introduced changes. The success of the changes introduced in the organization depends upon the understanding and the compliance of the employees. In ...
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