Concept Of Self

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Concept of Self

Concept of Self


When we are contemplating our identity, we come across the question, 'who am I?' the self tries to have a continuous association with its different aspects and the outside world by developing identities that were revealed and clarified by linking with the outside social world. The self is anxious about the impression that it gives to the outside world. The interaction between self esteem, self concept and self efficacy and the influences of the environment evokes an external presentation of the self in the social world that requires acknowledgement, adaptation, acceptance and acknowledgement. The social surroundings around us have an impact on the awareness of the self and changes in the environment including health, age and the socio economic status. All of these influence specific behaviors that are motivated by personal interests. Since the self is concerned with how it presents itself to the outside world, it usually adapts to and adjusts in different situations.


Concept of Self in the Social World

The association between the self and others impacts self awareness while influencing the way, self responds to and adjusts to different situations. The self has a very strong sense of self preservation and self protection which is deeply rooted in the self. It uses its cognitive abilities to support its basic character.

Although all of the people in this world know themselves better than anything else, self knowledge is often inconsistent and faulty, particularly in the personal perspective of behavioral motivations. The influences that are there on the self such as the cultural influences are usually not visible to the self and the unconscious processes and external observation usually motivate behavior and conscious choices. It is inbuilt in the humans to reduce the importance of emotionally disturbing and distressing events and overestimating their capacity to deal with the same situations. The humans although have full exposure to their inner sanctum, but still their perception about the self is still biased and restricted. (Miller, 1975)

Personal Application of the Self

Self Concept

The influences on the self includes those roles in which one participates, social identities that are created personally, comparing the self with others, culture, successes and failures and judging others. My most important self schemas are those that define me as a sister, daughter, student, intelligent and a protector of my sibling. My possible selves include a hard working student, a guide and a friend in different relationships and an integral part of my family. On the other hand, is my concern of appearing too biased and self righteous. when I am in some difficulty or in a very challenging situation, I feel a sense of fear for my inability to accomplish my objective. In such situations, I consciously go on to trust the positive aspects of my possible and desired self, all the while, relegating my sense of insufficiency and fears to the emblematic internal dialog in my mind. Just like other human beings, my knowledge of the self is also flawed because most of my behaviors, intentions and ...
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