Concept Of Evil

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Concept of Evil


The study is related to the concept of evil which is observed in the human behavior. This has been defined in two different ways by the Old Testament and psychoanalysis. In the view of the Old Testament, evil is presented as the primary struggle for the human being; however, in the view of psychoanalysts evil is presented as a different lens by which to understand the nature of human being.


The Christian religion would be much better off if it was not based on the Old Testament. The god of the Old Testament is such a horrible character, in any other book he would have been the villain. A murdering evil lunatic that demands you kill women, children, friends, family, and yourself. He is incredibly jealous and demands that you worship him and mutilate your body. He is a self proclaimed vengeful angry god. He is a racist megalomaniac that has no problem committing genocide.

The Old Testament presents evil as he wants people to destroy entire cities because some of its citizens do not worship him. He is a bloodthirsty, homophobic ethnic cleanser that makes Stalin and Hitler look like angels. In the Old Testament, evil must have been thought of as a welcome reprieve, by the people of the time. He is a jealous and vindictive character and should not be worshiped by anyone.

It is unfortunate that any would religion worships evil, yet many do. It is astounding that the world is as passive, as it is since greater part of its populace look up to his as a role model. The Christian religion had to include the Old Testament as without the perditions to accomplish the story of Jesus would not have been that admired. It is forthrightly outrageous that more than fifteen centuries, at the same time as the psychoanalysis presents a different lens by which to understand human nature that is to whittled down to what it is now, that the old testament did not submit itself to the same hacking; removing its dismay and its bloodthirsty and unforgiving character. In addition to this, not to point out cleaning up as much possible opposition as probable, but it is assumed that doing so would have left only a very diminutive guide consisting by and large of family trees and an assortment of pointless meanderings (Harris, 16-28).

The behavioral differences of evil between the Old Testament and psychoanalysis are predominantly reflections of changing behaviors or the attitudes of human. In the view of psychoanalysis and the concept of evil, obsession indicates a strong excitation condition, which is interpreted as taking possession of the person affected by a supernatural force. The change in behavior of the person is on the penetration of a demon, a spirit or a deity returned (Ted-Peters, 15-37).

For thousands of people ask the question whether there is the good and evil. The opinions on this differ. No doubt there are people who behave well or ill, but there are good or evil as a principle of ...
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