Concept Analysis

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Concept Usage in a Professional Usage Model

Concept Usage in a Professional Practice Model


A medical center located at Los Angeles, Hollywood and Beverly Hills known as Cedars Sinai Medical Center (CSMC) is a not-for-profit organization. This was nominated as the American Credentialing Center (ANCC) Magnet hospital back in 2000 (Swanson, J., Tidwell, C., 2011). The results were seen in 2008 when Magnet re-nominated the criteria and focused in the 14 forces which were originally designed for transformational leadership, empowerment by structure, professional practices which proved to be commendable, fresh knowledge, innovations and improvements and pragmatic outcomes.

These processes naturally result in improved patient outcomes. The results not only meet the benchmark but also exceed them. When the Magnet organizations mature, their processes become the usual part of the staff's natural behavior; more prominence is on the outcomes during the re-nomination process. Previously, medical centers have avoided the flaws or futile health care processes, usually it is not accepted that a small percentage of complications faced by the patients are due to the errors in care.

A study shows that almost 100,000 of the deaths which occur each year are due to the system errors in health care and the complications the staff faces due to this. This study was done at the Institute of Medicine (Kohn, Corrigan, & Donaldson, 2000). Since this study, the hospital leaders are now focused on assessing these system failures and attending to them in order to avoid patient harm and improve the overall hospitals results.

Cedar Sinai Leadership Team

The medical center has a leadership team and they shared their aims with other care organizations which have orthodox methods in health care. The aim to build and maintain a culture that promotes safety for patients requires a complex net of ways. Senior leadership is the most important module to establish such a culture where safety systems are most effective (Sammer, 2010). Two important components that magnet introduced are discussed in detail.

Transformational Leadership

Senior leadership is the most important component for the growth in achieving Magnet standards. According to Linda Bolton who is the Vice President for Nursing and Chief Nursing Officer at Cedar-Sinai, is known for her exceptional leadership in transforming the staff. She has experience in leading 2,800 nurses throughout the medical center since 1996. The way to succeed in maintaining the Magnet certification is by integrating the five mechanisms in the mission and vision statements of the medical center. The nursing mission is incorporated in the 2011-2015 strategic plan of nursing that combines theses six nursing goals and objectives:

To deliver a quality and safety culture for patients and to care for the patient in a way in which his/her family is also involved

Provide extraordinary, ethnically pertinent services to the patients, their families, and to the communities we serve.

To provide extraordinary, added-value care by using new technologies and adapting to innovative ways of safety for the patients, and adopting work practices that are more efficient

To employ and train a well knowledgeable, multi tasking and a healthy workforce

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