Computerizing Business Processes

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Computerizing Business Processes

Computerizing Business Processes


The computerizing business processes is an effectual approach to modernize the business developments. It includes the accurate management of huge data and information and achieves more work in less time. There are a number of businesses that can be modernized, and most of them have moved this improvement. This idea of computerizing business process will be focused on the small business as by this step they can upgrade themselves to large enterprises.

The choice to computerize the business process requires the feedback from all levels of the organization (Oktaba, & Piattini, 2008). Important details must be thought, and then decision should be made on the entire process. The business to be computerized is of small level of warehouse also known as cash and carries.


Business Problem

The manual business of the warehouse is complex and requires more staff to fulfill the essential needs. The manual entry of the stock can be full of errors, and the risk of theft is also high. In addition, if the employers do not perform well or slows down due to several issues then the availability of the stock is affected.

The management of the data and stock can become too complicated when the business is migrating to higher levels as the data increases rapidly. The manual store of the data, its record, updating, and deletion requires more time and human efforts. For the manual data, the supervision is also required in all the shifts which increase the number of supervisors.

Business Solution

The proposed solution to this problem is to computerize the business processes. The manual input of the data and information can be modified or improved by the automatic entry of the data and stock. By this improvement not only, the cost will be saved, but the business will achieve greater efficiency, strategic alignment, responsiveness, time and cost reduction (Jeronimo, 2012).

The advancement in the business will be done by installing the Enterprise Performance Management software. This software not only inputs the data but also monitors the performance of the organization which will benefit the senior and junior management.

Development of Information System Solution

The Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) solutions comprises of budgets and development control, strategic financial simulations, and consolidation accounting. EPM also includes the verification and control costs, statistical models, balanced scorecard controls and manage the accounting method and much more.

This will benefit not only the organization but also to its senior and junior management including the complete staff as the work load will be reduced. The job opportunities will also increase as the software specialists will be required and the data management experts will be required. See Appendix No.1 for information development cycle. See Appendix No. 2 for the operational, technical, and political/legal feasibility of the EPM. See Appendix No. 3 for the phases of the project management.

The communication between the stakeholders will also improve as the data will be accurate and precise amount will be purchased and sold to the customers and in between the stakeholders.

System Designs

The designing of the system requires computer software ...
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