Computer Information System As A Career Choice

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Computer Information System as a Career Choice


Computer information system in my view is a good career choice. Advancement in technology will create more opportunities for computer specialist. There is a lot of competition in the market in terms of technology and specialist so such choice would be intelligent. Computer information system is a modern, rapidly evolving science with diverse career opportunities. The study, however, is not for computer geeks, and rigorous mathematical foundations are cropping up (Walsham, 140).

Computer information system is the science of treatment and processing of information. It is based on the one hand, to mathematical disciplines such as modeling and logic, on the other hand has its origin also strongly influenced by the electrical engineering, in particular telecommunications. Although there are still segments that shows computer information system is now understood as a science. There is a common misconception among other things, the English term "computer information system" owed is that the computer information system center with busy programming the machines. From today's world, computer information system and their applications are no longer possible to think. Even though the boom of the 1990s has subsided, the demand for qualified computer scientists is still very large (Selingo, 22).

General Objectives

The Bachelor of Information Systems will aim to train professionals capable of:

Constantly and continuously adapt to the rapid development of science and the rapid obsolescence of IT tools, developing basic conditions of criticality, creativity and personal flexibility to adapt and perform productively in changing situations and diverse, as well as become acquainted with the various fields to be involved in professionally.

Driving fitness concepts, principles and theories that constitute the field of competition.

Apply appropriate methodologies for solutions to the problems of the specialty.

Acquire a solid scientific and technological training that will enable interdisciplinary work with a joint vision, able to produce new knowledge and new developments in the area of the region, country and world.

Understand and use current scientific literature and experimental techniques when carrying out their professions (Proctor, 33).

Specific Objectives

Specialists in Computer information systems play a key role in determining the requirements of information systems within an organization and are involved in specification, design, and implementation. At the end of their studies the graduate should be able to:

Develop and lead software development projects of varying complexity.

Select methodologies and techniques that fit the scope of the problem studied.

Evaluate results arising from the application of methodologies and techniques.

Select approach, program structures and data most appropriate for each application.

Analyze the results to provide alternative methods and techniques applied in the same field or area, to advise on the use of one of them (Norton, 987).

Design algorithms to solve problems of various kinds.

Develop software, different levels of complexity.

Understand and advise on the operation of computer equipment.

Growing Popularity

With approximately 23,000 new students per year, computer information system is one of the three most popular fields of study. It is available both at universities and at colleges. Partly as a technical computer information system or software engineering are offered as separate subjects. Significant further ...
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