Computer Assignment 6

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Computer Assignment 6

Computer Assignment 6

Question No. 1

Write the regression equation below here.

IQ = (102.775) + (9.879) GPA

What percent of the variance is unaccounted for by the above predictor variables? ______

70.5% of the variance is unaccounted for by the GPA and study.

From the above analysis, if we take the square root of the MS residual, what is that number called and what does it reflect? _____________________

If we take the square root of the MS residual that is;

v 25.09 then it reflect the standard error of the estimate that is 5.008

Which predictor variable has the strongest relationship to Y and how do you know this____________________

The predictor variable GPA has the strongest relationship with IQ as the beta value of GPA is 9.879 reflecting positive relationship with IQ.

What percent of the total variability is uniquely accounted for by IQ _________

It is noted that the IQ is positively correlated with Study and GPA as the level of significances are under 0.05. Moreover, the Pearson Correlation coefficients for Study is 0.560 and for GPA is 0.856 indicating positive correlation of IQ with Study and GPA.

What number is in the denominator of the t-test for testing the significance of the predictor study time? _______________

The standard error that is 1.89 is in the denominator of the t-test for testing the significance of the predictor study time

With study time in the model, for each unit change in IQ how much of a change occurs in Y and in what direction. ________________

With study time in the model, the change in Y is -1.269 which is in negative direction.

With IQ in the model, for each standard deviation change in Study time how much of a standard deviation change in Y occurs and in what direction. __________

With IQ in the model, the each standard deviation change in Study time is -4.74 which is in negative direction.

Question No. 2

With all five variables in the model what percent of the variance is accounted for?

The variance is accounted for 72.8% as the adjusted R square value is 0.728.

With all other variables in the model, for each unit change in Teach how much of a change occurs in Y and in what direction.

The change in Y that is overall due to Teach will occur by 0.763; moreover, the beta value is in positive, thus, there is positive relationship between Teach and Overall.

With all other variables in the model, for each unit change in Grade how much of a change occurs in Y and in what direction. ________________

The change in Y that is overall due to Grade will occur by -0.184; moreover, the beta value is in negative, thus, there is negative relation between Grade and overall.

With all other variables in the model, for each standard deviation change in Exam how much of a standard deviation change in Y occurs and in what direction. _______

The change in model due to Exam will occur by 0.106; moreover, the standardized coefficient is in positive.

With all other variables in the model, for each standard deviation ...