Computer Architecture

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Computer Architecture

Computer Architecture and Operating system

Computer Architecture and Operating system

What is computer?

Computer is an electronic device that has an ability to store, read and process data in binary form. Computer is designed to perform different tasks. Computer is composed of hardware and software. Computer is available in a variety of speeds and sizes according to the requirement of the user. Computer is comprised of software and hardware (Heffernan, p2., 2010).

Computer system basics

Computer system consists of peripheral devices and different software. The physical devices used for processing of data is called hardware, this can be any electrical, mechanical and electronic device. Computer normally takes some input, processes it and produces the desired output. The computer's hardware is useless and cannot provide the desire output. To make hardware useful, computer requires a set of instructions that guide the computer and hardware how to perform tasks. So both hardware and software depends over each other, and one is useless in the absence of other (Heffernan, p.5, 2010).

Computer Hardware

Computer hardware is that parts of the computer that is physically visible and occupy some space. Hard ware's is mainly categorized into input, output and secondary storage devices. System unit is contained within the computer that is responsible for the operation of the computer. The system unit is mainly comprised of CPU that is called Central Processing Unit. Central processing unit consists of an electronic chip called microprocessor, primary and secondary storages and motherboard.


Microprocessor is also known as central processing unit. Microprocessor is an electronic chip that is also called the brain of the computer. This becomes active whenever the computer is turned on. The basic function of microprocessor is to perform different arithmetic and logical operations by using the registers that are part of the microprocessor. The basic operations that are performed by processor ...
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