Comprehension Strategies Essay

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Comprehension Strategies Essay

Comprehension Strategies Essay


The purpose of applying text comprehension strategies is to help students use knowledge gained at early stages of reading instruction. When students are not able to develop their comprehension skills themselves they have to address to comprehension strategies. Comprehension strategy includes a specific set of actions aimed to understand the sense of the text.


Effective Communication

Effective communication plays an important role in all perspectives of life. Communication is considered very necessary in school and college life. The effective skill of communication is an initiative in the period of middle school.

The article of Teaching Readers Who Struggle recommends a realistic agenda for the instruction of reading that basically joins to the needs of students who want to learn aged approximately 11 to 14 years who work hard in order to learn. Furthermore it describes that five practices of shared reading and oral conducted reading in groups and other self-selected strategy of readings (Ash. E. G, 2012).

There are different kinds of text in effective communication which helps to build the communication skills. All the texts have different meanings. The main parts are narrative, expository, and poetic texts.

According to the experts in intervention comprehension instruction and skills needed to learn are directly related to each other. Here researchers needed to focus on how readers perceived and understand the theme of comprehension and also the steps needed to develop the task of comprehension. From students perspective comprehension should emphasize the vocabulary presentation narration and explanation of the topic that are easily understandable according to the level of students (Rice. M, 2012).

There is another way of communicating skill which is called as prose language. Prose is basically a usual style of language that majority of people use in their writing such as editorials, poetry, books, stories etc. Prose word is derivative from 'prose' which is the Latin word and meaning of this prose is straightforward. Prose mainly originates in two different kinds of text which are expository and narrative. Narrative text means “something that is narrated such as a story”. Expository text is basically reading material of non-fiction such as analysis, classification, and description, etc.

Expository, Narrative, and Poetic Text

The differences between expository and narrative text are not as well-known. Narrative texts tell a story. It's easy to find a beginning, middle, and an end. Usually, narrative texts have characters, settings, conflicts, and a theme. Expository texts are also structured to explain information. Instead of using the narrative structure, authors of expository text use a host of other text structures. In the classroom, it's sometimes easy to use “nonfiction” as shorthand for “expository”. It's true that most expository text is nonfiction, and most nonfiction text is expository but biographical and autobiographical writing is a notable exception. Expository text is written to give information. Expository text includes directions, articles, and other texts written to explain new ideas. Expository text includes text features like headings, titles, captions, photographs, diagrams, and so forth. Establish better understanding of explanations for different ...
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