Components Of Human Memory

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Components of Human Memory

Components of Human Memory


The memory is a function of the brain and, simultaneously, a phenomenon of the mind allowing the body to encode, store and recall information from the past. It arises as a result of the connections synaptic repetitive between neurons and creating neural networks (the so-called long-term potentiating). There are several areas of memory. Ormord in the 90's said that it could be a short memory, short-term, such a thing in which we remember, forget, something execute some commands and forget. There is also a memory that he called a permanent secondary memory. Erasure, blocking non-volatile memory may be associated with certain essential to our experience of life (Fletcher & Henson, 2001). Studies have shown that there are three kind of memory called sensory. The information from the world around them goes to a sensory memory. Sensory memory is in modality of the senses, so if it's visual memory is iconic memory. The information coming out of the world get to some sensory memory, in particular the sense of sight is the iconic memory. Sensory memory is the memory of ultra-short-term, there are tens of milliseconds. The iconic memory contents that are not only an analog recorder in which information is processed, whereas also in ultra short-term memory in the sensory memory and are then recoded into long-term memory (Chang, et. al., 2012).

Problem Solving Thinking Process

Problem-solving thinking processes happen in some kind of memory called short-term memory. Information processing takes place in a specialized magazine in a specialized area of ??memory called short-term memory. The material already processed goes to long-term memory. Here is the memory storage on almost all the events of our lives. After 6 seconds, remember that about 60% of processed materials, after 12 seconds longer remember about 20%. It is assumed that the duration of short-term memory processes is approximately 12 seconds. Short-term memory capacity is limited; we can process a maximum of 7 plus and minus two less information (Mastin, 2010).


Memory models: a model of storage

Memory Storage theoretical construct adopted on the basis of memory models indicating the mental structure, which for a limited time are stored properly encoded information. The information processing theories usually distinguished three memory stores: sensory, short, long or which differ from each other due to the volume, storage time and dominant code. In long-term memory storage, it is considered as one of the magazines memory that stores information from the short-term memory (information transfer between warehouses). It is assumed that the long-term memory has a limitless capacity, the storage time the contents of this is also unlimited. Whereas, in short-term memory storage is considered as one of the magazines memory that stores information for the long term memory in order to undergo varied surgery. Short-term memory has a limited capacity, corresponding to the range of direct memory, as well as limited (The Brain, n.d.). storage time for the information contained therein, estimated at about 30-40 seconds.

This memory is stored for a short time, the ...
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