Components Of A Contextualized Language Lesson

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Components of a Contextualized Language Lesson

Components of a Contextualized Language Lesson


Equipped for the future fundamentals is an authority that helps adults in enhancing and developing the communication and decision skills. It defines certain functions as skills function cycle which consists of the sixteen basic functions that are considered as the fundamental principles and rules that should be followed for performing effective communication which is possible only through effective speaking and effective learning process. In this essay we focus on the speaking and learning skills with the help of this effective tool of EFF.


Competency chosen

There are many competencies based on the skill on which the students or adults who are studying the effective learning and speaking of English should focus. As these competencies are considered as the steps that make them eligible to achieve effectiveness in the skills they are trying to achieve such as effective learning and effective speaking skills. Following are some competencies on which the adults should be focused:

Speaking competencies

To develop effective speaking ability and skill, it is better to focus on the goal and main objective of the meeting or discussion. If anyone is not focusing on the main objective then he may divert the audience from the main topic and the main objectives of the discussion cannot be achieved.

Try to speak little

The best approach that keeps the speaker on to the point is to speak only about required points and objectives of discussion. If a person is speaking so much then there is more chance that he may bore the audience and he may divert from the topic of the discussion.

Try to use diversity

When speaking in a discussion or in front of audience, it is better to use a language style that allows diversity in the discussion and allows every person from any region to participate in this discussion with you.

Use clear and positive tone

The most effective competency that if avoided can destroy the whole process of communication is the usage of effective tone that is suitable for the audience. If the audience consist on the respectable personalities then never use any slang word before them. Another point on which this competency focuses is the use of positive tone before the audience instead of targeting someone or specific group.

Listening Competencies

Similar to the speaking competency, there are many competencies available that affects the listening process and helps him in getting listening skills for English language. It helps adults also in understanding the objectives and meaning of other personals through effective learning process. Some of the competencies include:

Open mindset

To achieve listening skills it is very important to consider and understand the point of view of other peoples involved in the discussion or meeting with an open mindset. If an adult ignore this competency in their learning process then he cannot listen and understand the points of other peoples which may be effective for any discussion.

Think positive

During listening process if an adult creates a negative image of the discussed topic or about a person who discussed the ...