Compliance Matrix And Complaint Proposal To Rfp

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Compliance Matrix and Complaint Proposal to RFP

Compliance Matrix and Complaint Proposal to RFP


The aim and objective of this assignment is to create compliance matrix and proposal in compliance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FRA). The compliance matrix and proposal in response to request for proposal will be based on Servicing Contract of Unit Deployment Managers for the United States Air Force. This position is generally held by young commissioned officers of US Air Force (Nissen, 1997; Pietroforte & Miller, 2002).

The unit deployment manager is responsible for conducting all the governmental functions for troops of Air Force that are deployed for implementation of peace missions in war circumstances. The Unit Deployment Manager is also responsible for keeping track of the deployment of logistics items and equipment which are given to the soldiers of Air force operations. Unit Deployment Manager also maintain the communication link between other Air Force units which have mobility designations for health analysis of troops and ensure that troops have been given necessary immunization against the possible diseases which are prevalent in the area. The Unit Deployment Manager is given an office with access to see personnel data of the soldiers in order to maintain mobility records and items (Gransberg & Barton, 2007; Gabig, 1987).

Proposal is referred to seeking a petition or proposal through a process of bidding. The whole process of solicitation is conducted by an agency that is involved in the procurement of a commodity or service (Pietroforte & Miller, 2002; Gransberg & Barton, 2007). In this assignment, the compliance matrix and proposal is constructed in response to the RFP in compliance with FAR and other government accountability reports.

Compliance Matrix

A proposal compliance matrix comprises of tables for cross referencing that tells the evaluators of proposals regarding finding of responses to specific RFP requirements. It facilitates the proposal managers that the proposal complies and responds to all of the requirements of project. A compliance matrix should form section of each proposal volume and is usually requested in an RFP. It normally serves three major purposes (Dickson, 2013):

It highlights the requirements that must be addressed in a given section.

It allows validating that all of the requirements have been responded to.

It makes it easy for the proposal manager and the customer to understand the RFP and how to navigate the responses to it.

The compliance matrix is generally prepared at very beginning of writing of proposal and it lists all the requirements that are enclosed in the outline of the proposal for each of the volume. It includes elements from both RFP and the proposal response. A compliance matrix is constructed in the form a table. The heading of the proposal is mentioned in the first column of the proposal. The RFP requirement also constitutes as a column in a compliance matrix. The compliance matrix in response to the RFP is given below:


Comments and Actions

Section/Page/ Paragraph



Solicitation, Offer and Award

Standard form used to award a contract through bidding by the agency.


Source Selection

The contracting officers are the source selection ...