Complete The Tables

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Complete the Tables

Complete the Table

Mirror Mirror

Health and physical Education: self management skill.

SMS 1- The student Uses basic self-management skills in familiar health and physical activity situations (Curriculum Council, Health and physical Education, 1998).

Students begin to identify self-esteem and how self-esteem has an impact on their lives. Students create a collage on the mirror to represent them and their skills. This will enable students to support their own health and wellbeing.

The Arts: Art Ideas

AI 2- The student's uses own ideas, experiences and observations in the making of arts works through structured activities (Curriculum Council, The Arts, 1998).

Throughout the activity students develop their creative skills, as they are creating this activity for a reason ( for example through cutting out picture and pasting it in the mirror students can look at it and it will remained them how good they are as it help them to boost their self-esteem.

The Arts Responses

AR 1- The student engages with and responds to own arts activities and the arts works of others and understands that there may be a range of different responses

(Curriculum Council, The Arts, 1998).

Students are able to share their work with others.

Character Makeover

English: writing - This is the learning area.

W2- This is the Level 1 Student Outcome Statement from the English writing Skills Progress Maps.

The student produces simple written texts to communicate experiences, information and feelings; discusses some of the purposes of writing; knows that writing can be planned, reviewed and changed; and produces texts that follow some of the conventions of writing and can be read by others. (Curriculum Council, English, 1998). This is information from Progress Maps about Level 1 and information from the Curriculum Guide.

Students did this activity for a purpose not just to learn about negative and positive self-esteem but also to further develop their writing skills. And here you link it to the lesson plan.

W 2.1- writes simple imaginative and informative texts that include some related ideas about familiar topic (Curriculum Council, English, 1998).

As students are not only familiar with the topic but also they are familiar with the character personality that they have picked.

Positive relationships

Science investigating: Planning

L 1.1- focuses on problems and responds to teacher's suggestions and questions (Curriculum Council, Science, 1998).

Students recognise that someone could influence them to behave in a positive way.

Students are investigating the topic to answer a variety of questions.

Health and physical Education: self- management skills

SMS 1- The students uses basic self-management skills in familiar health and physical activity situations. (Curriculum Council, health and physical, 1998).

Students demonstrate self-management skills.

This module will also assist students in the behaving positively in order to have an influence on others around.

Positive influences

This lesson plan will develop the thinking and writing skills of the students.

The teacher will ask students to explain time when they were encouraged, and ways through which they can motivate their peers.

The teacher will also seek from the student if the course helped them to improve their ...
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