Complementary Therapy Assignment

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Complementary Therapy Assignment




Describing CAM4

Types and Delivery of CAM4


Randomized Controlled Trials9

Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches (Mixed Method Research)9

Evidence based Approach11


Complementary Therapy Assignment


An exceptional inclination toward the incorporation of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatment options with the approach of traditional medication is taking place. Hospitals are providing CAM treatment plans, health care organizations are providing these kinds of treatment methods, an escalating numbers of medical professionals are making use of CAM treatments in their practices, life-insurance plan for CAM treatments is intensifying, and integrative medication centers and clinics are now being instituted, many with intimate connections to medical-related academic institutions and training institutions. The degree to which a health-care intervention induces or enables health related alteration and improvements are an important concern in investigations into complementary and alternative medicine (Craig, Dieppe and Macintyre, 2008).

The following document explains what CAMS is and how it is delivered. Furthermore the document explores the research about evaluation of the CAM. It aims to assess and evaluate effectiveness of CAM; the content of this document is designed to discuss the approaches used to evaluating the effectiveness of complex interventions such as complementary. Three types of approaches have been discussed here, these include the approaches of randomized controlled trials, quantitative and qualitative approaches (mixed method research) and Evidence based Approach.


Describing CAM

Alternative medicine is any practice that is put forward as having the healing effects of medicine, but is not based on evidence gathered with the scientific method. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the term for a collection of health care and medical practices, treatments, disciplines and services which have been not regarded as a component of mainstream medical science. In accordance with evaluations above eighty percent of the developing nations and half of the developed nations benefit from complementary and alternative medicine. There are a number of factors behind implementing complementary and alternative medicine such as disappointment with mainstream medical wisdom out of unsuccessful medical treatments and excessive costs as well as substantial costs charged from mainstream medical therapies. Ultimately, most people rely on complementary and alternative medicine as they think that mind or body therapies are essential for overall health maintenance or perhaps for the reason that they discover it as a fascinating approach deserving experimentation.

Types and Delivery of CAM

People who provide alternative and complementary therapies are not always licensed but they are trained. Whereas, the traditional doctors are licensed as well as trained. Some countries even provide the licensed CAM practitioners like massage therapists and acupuncturists and a lot more are increasing their demands of licensed CAM practitioners as this practice is rapidly increasing around the world (Eisenberg, 1993).

Few of the complementary and alternative therapies are scientifically proved where as many of them have queries that really need to get solved. This does not indicate that these techniques do not work, they sure do, but it indicates that researchers have not researched enough. These therapies change continuously as they undergo series of tests and finally get accepted. To make their study easy, National Centre for ...