The purpose of writing this paper is comparing the competitive strategies of the two companies who historically competing each other to maintain a significant market share. Therefore, for this purpose, the two companies chosen for the paper are Apple and Microsoft. The reason behind choosing these two companies are that general public is aware of both of the companies and the readers could easily understand what actually the writer want to convey through the paper.
The paper is basically based on the corporate culture of both of the companies and the motive is to elaborate how the culture is different in both of the companies and in doing this, the writer also presented the different benefits that the companies got in return of their corporate culture.
We are in the penultimate lap of the corporate culture compared to Apple and Microsoft. The paper is covering human resources, recruitment, but also the distribution of the R & D of these companies that how all this department differ and what actually these departmental cultures add benefit to the organization. These are broad topics that will not matter to cover exhaustively. Again, it is mainly to understand the internal drivers of these companies and the impact it can have on their ability to innovate.
Management, Human Resources and Recruitment
The two digital giants first lot in common: they all seek to recruit and retain top talent, create good working conditions, promoting both individual excellence and teamwork and to identify "high potentials". They also appreciate the creative and assertive enough candidates. They recruit the world's best universities and foam. Their recruitment process is usually very heavy, with numerous interviews (e.g. Apple). Their seats all located on the west coast of the USA abound as Indians, Chinese and Europeans, some recruited directly from their other subsidiaries around the world. The raw intelligence and analytical seems clearly favored at Microsoft as emotional intelligence and creativity seems to be more popular among Apple. Recruitment methods say a lot about business. Just walk on their website to find the associated features of their culture.
Recruitment Website
Apple, the recruitment website is a reflection of society well licked oriented drive and communicating a strong emotional value. We are here to change the world, not just for his career as the slogan suggests "Share career, part revolution."
From the outset, the site presents various professions open to recruitment. But unlike Microsoft, it is not very talkative about life in the company. It matters little to Apple, which requires total dedication of its employees to its cause by putting more human side. Working at Apple is a real priesthood (Sethi, 2012). The company is completely atypical in that it applies rather management methods of the 19th century that the modern methods where employees are involved with participatory management. Apple, at all levels of management, we are dealing more stick than carrot to lead the teams.
Working Atmosphere
Apple stands out with two other Apple Stores. At Microsoft, they would be easier or more students in ...