Competitive Marketing Strategies

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Competitive Marketing Strategies

Competitive Marketing Strategies


Developing a new business strategy has always been one of the main obsessions of most companies, but when that happens to become think winning strategies, i.e. those who enjoy guarantees of success over the medium becomes a true chimera. In the last century and over again we hear the hackneyed phrase that the world is changing, but we never could imagine that this spiral of change was going to take more and more speed as he moved his business, reaching what now occurs annually at the new technologies that appear do change and break paradigms and references that we had so far, forcing us to rethink again and again the scenarios in which we live longer and as basic to give any market situation but have to be daily alert to adapt to such changes as soon as possible and not get lost in the forgetfulness of the customer (Rogers, 2001). Nevertheless, if that happens in life call it "normal" business, marketing it lives with much more intensity, because from beginning to end is affected daily by these changes that we discussed with the department must live more intensely these changes and should be more flexible in this new century (Doyle, 2000).

Discussion and Analysis

Frontal Attack Strategy

This marketing strategy is a direct assault on the competitor. It usually involves the use of all resources including financial commitment. All parts of the company must be prepared for the attack, from marketing to management (Moschis, 1994). It usually involves intensive advertising and often leads to the development of new products that are able to attack competitors in their line weaker. It often includes an attempt to win a share of the market share of client base. Generally, frontal attacks are rare (Moschis, 1994). There are two reasons for this. First, they are expensive; many valuable resources should be used and lost in the attack. Secondly, frontal attacks are often useless. If defenders are able to redeploy its resources in time, the strategic advantage is lost. There are many examples of dedicated opponents are able to withstand long strikes. The frontal attack strategy is useful when:

the market is rather homogeneous;

knowledge of brand is scarce;

customer loyalty is low;

products are easily differentiated;

the target competitor has relatively limited resources;

the frontal attacker has relatively strong resources as compared to the competitor.

Market Follower Strategy

The market is a follower of upstream company that chooses not to make waves, because you think you can lose more than they could earn. But the follower also has applied their strategies and specific skills to achieve growth in the market. The rate of return exceeds some followers of the leaders in their industry (Perrault, McCarty, 2002). A follower can have many advantages. Market leader often cover huge expenses for product development and new markets, expanding distribution channels, inform and educate the market (Gummesson, 2002). The reward for this work and risk is usually the lead in the ...
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