Competitive Analysis

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Competitive Analysis Coca Cola Company


Internal Factors4



Products of Coca Cola6

Licensed brands6

SWOT Analysis9



External Factors10









Competitive Analysis Coca Cola Company


This report's main purpose is to outline the past, present and future of Coca Cola Company. Strategic management evaluates the steps taken by company's higher management for the stakeholders, by engaging all resources and performance of internal factors and external environment (Nag, et al, pp 935 - 936). This report will cover the competitive analysis, SWOT and PESTEL Analysis of the Coca-Cola Company. A Competitive analysis in strategic management is described as evaluating strengths and weaknesses of active and future competitors. This analysis helps in deciding the nature of the marketing strategy that can be either offensive or defensive strategy keeping in mind the opportunities and threats. Competitive analysis supports efficient and effective strategy formulation, implementation, monitoring and adjustment (Fleisher & Bensoussan, 2007, p, 11) . Depending on the size of the company and responsiveness to change different strategies can be used. With out a situational analysis, self evaluation and competitive analysis a corporate strategy can not be formed. This report will cover the internal and external factors for competitive analysis. It is seen that many companies do not have a strategy management unit. Therefore, many enterprises operate in “informal mediums, narrow span of control and command over the information of the competitors”. Hence, traditional environmental monitoring put firms at risk of harsh competitive positions because of the bigger fishes and lack of competitive analysis. (Fleisher & Bensoussan, 2003, pp. 32 - 35) This report will show the competitive analysis of Coca Cola Company “gathering, analyzing, and applying information about products, competitors, suppliers, regulators, partners, and customers for the short- and long-term planning needs of an organization” (Kahaner, 1998). There are five phases of a competitive analysis: (1) Organizing and planning (2) Gathering data; (3) Evaluate Data; (4) Execution; and (5) Follow up. This will further be discussed in the later sections of the report. The company has been there for a century and they are moving towards producing their own water, and raw materials which are required in the production of Coca Cola.

The company is investing in research and development to expand its products. Company focuses on its culture, employees and production methods to remain the king in the beverage industry. The company is making natural drinks with low calorie per serving. The company is planning to

clearly state the energy/calories per drink on all the packaging globally.

Internal Factors

An overview of the Coca Cola Company, known world wide for its unique flavor which was originated from USA Atlanta on 8th May, 1886 by a pharmacists through experimentation. A sample model of syrup was formulated at Eagle Drug and Chemical Company, by John Pemberton, who was inspired by coca wine (Columbus, 2011, p. n.d). He was fond of the superior success of Vin Mariani, a French Coca Wine (Mark, 2000, p. n.d). Coca Cola manufactures, markets and distributes its non alcoholic beverages, syrups and water world and produces more than 400 ...
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