Competition Law

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Dominant Company with Market Power Forced to Give Its Actual or Potential Competitors Access to Any Facility





History & Analysis5


Research Analysis9

Critical Understanding11

US Law Notes14



Dominant Company with Market Power Forced to Give Its Actual or Potential Competitors Access to Any Facility


Competition law which is also known as the antitrust law, it maintains the balance between the companies conduct those are involved in competing with their rival countries. This regulates the companies in order to run ethical market competition. The historical background of competition law is a way behind from Roman Empire. The businesses, companies and market traders are used to be panelized and severe sanctions since many years. Few years back it has become international standard. Local authorities establish their laws accordingly to these two laws.

Contemporary laws have been established to maintain and promote the ethical competition in the market place. National rivalry law does not usually cover the activities of beyond defensive borders of the states.

The concept market dominance power refers to the idea of the companies which are become barriers in order to implement the laws. Becoming market dominance power is first step to be the part of intervention of conducting law. Market dominance power of companies intervenes in implementation of the laws. I have chosen two dominant companies; Microsoft and Novell and applied my analysis in light of competition law. I have analyzed the case which was taken place in between these two companies.

Initially taking overview of the two companies from two different regions:


Microsoft Company is an US based corporation working in software industry, it has it's headquarter in Washington. It develops and provides licenses to wide variety of products and services related to computer software. The corporations were established by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975. Microsoft is described as the world's biggest software maker in terms of revenues. It is also one of the valuable companies globally.

Microsoft was first developed to sell interpreters for the Altair 8800. It took the company to dominate the market with MS-DOS in the years of 1980s. it also created the Microsoft windows of operating systems. Company in 1986 offered the initial public offering and later rise in the shares market. It made many millionaires among the employees on Microsoft and made the number of corporate acquisitions.

Today company has become the market leader in both computer operating system and office applications. Microsoft also designs the numerous software for servers. Company also works in internet domain and computer game industry. Company is also entering into the PC vendor market for the first time by offering tablet computers.

Many critics began to challenge that Microsoft used monopolistic techniques of business and its anti competitive strategies and use of wrong marketing techniques. US department of Justice and European Commission marked the company in violation of antitrust laws.


Novell is another American company works in software and services. It has headquartered in Utah. It made the Utah a focused place for ...
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