Competition In The Physician Services

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Competition in the Physician Services




Subject: Competition in the Physician Services

Inefficient functioning of the old system of health care in a market economy resulted in the need of significant reform, the transition to economic methods of planning and management of budgetary and insurance, and family medicine to market relations in health care, there is obvious need for new organizational forms. Giving health care institutions of the economic status of the main level has increased the role of labor collectives in managing resources, planning of economic and social development. There was a need to justify plans for the volume and structure of medical care, stimulating the development of institutional and resource-medical technologies, accelerating the introduction of the achievements of scientific and technical progress, management of resources. In solving these problems, a large place is given to marketing techniques. Office of Technology Assessment, (2008) Competition is a kind of internal mechanism, the objective and necessary function of life and evolution of the medical services market. In competitiveness, opinion can be synthesized by many aspects of the factors of the functioning and health care institutions and physician practices.

However, the competitive environment in itself is not unique and controversial. Researchers have isolated some of the contradictions arising from the operation of the system of competition in health care. In particular, certain of which may include:

The contradiction between the system of incentives in health care and the fundamental laws of competition (high prices for medical services remain even with excess supply);

Contradiction between expensive medical technologies and universal accessibility in obtaining medical service;

The contradiction between the real presence of patients and the high cost of medical services (without improving quality of care);

Contradiction, in which lies the essence of what the current system of health promotion work encourages innovation and increases costs or increase quality without a corresponding ...
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