Competency Based Critical Review

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A competency based critical review of leadership and management in my work organisation

A competency based critical review of leadership and management in my work organisation


Effective team and organisational work results from premium leadership and management competencies to lead the team or organisation. A competency can be defined as a set of abilities, characteristics and actions that are directly associated to successful job performance (United Nations, n.d., pp.06). Competencies include understanding, proficiency, abilities, individual and behavioural attributes, beliefs, drives and ideals. They are behavioural testimonies of the roles, which individuals execute in the work processes (Pagon, 2008, pp.01).

Leadership and management competencies can subsequently be defined as the set of abilities, knowledge, attributes and behaviour that an individual must embrace in order to be effective leader. The key management and leadership competencies include analytical skills, self management skills, talent management skills, business insight, leading skills, strategic dexterity and interpersonal skills (Anonymous, n.d., pp.01).

Management competence

Managers and leaders have always played a crucial role in leading and managing teams and organisations. The nature of work has transformed drastically in most of the organisations over the last twenty years. Organisational structures have become flatter; number of layers of management has been reduced. Greater emphasis on the customer and quick reaction to problems and openings has transformed the manager and leader an imperative resource in solving problems. Managers are increasingly required to solve problems related to their team and organisation. Competencies required by managers can be grouped into four sets (Hay group, 2001, pp.02).

Managing self

Managing team

Managing work

Managing jointly

A competency based critical review of leadership and management in my work organisation

A leader usually comes across a number of situations where he or she has to solve and deal with a variety of problems. The creativity of the leader or manager in solving problems is crucial to the effective functioning of the team and organisation. Successful leaders can perceive problems from a number of perspectives. By understanding and taking into account several perspectives, such leaders then solve the problem accordingly in a creative way. They balance the current and existing requirements with the requirements of the future. Eventually, successful leaders are competent to prioritize and balance the requirements of numerous challenging forces to make the preeminent decision for their teams and their organisations (Norman. 2013, p.n.d).

Creative problem solving management competence

Based on my observation and experience I have learned that the problem solving capabilities are one of the most important competencies of a leader. Creative problem solving competencies require the leader to construct a rational approach to deal with problems or opportunities or handle the circumstances at hand by utilizing his or her understanding, expertise and experience base, and looking up other resources and references as required ( Effective problem solving requires the leader to seek out the best problem space as well as design the best solution by taking into consideration all the pertaining people. It includes identifying the circumstances of the problem, transforming the identified situation into the specific problem space and finally ...
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