Compensation And Benefits

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Compensation And Benefits

Compensation And Benefits


In today's fast pace of competition, it is not that easy to attract and retain the employees and to get the desired productivity from them in order to meet the organizational objectives. The employees' aspects are now given significance importance and are compensated against their efforts and devotions for the success of the organizations. The human resource departments are now become more concerned for the benefits of their employees and to take care of their rights. In order to retain, attract, and motivate the potential employees, an important tool of human resource management is widely being used that is “compensation and benefit management”. The compensation and benefit management concerns designing the additional benefits, other than the salary packages, that are offered to the employees.

The following section aims at discussing in detail about the compensation strategies that should be used by the managers of the organization to improve the relationship among the employees and the managers and to attain the goals and objectives of the organization.


1. Discuss how you might influence labor relations to improve the quality of health care provided by your organization.

The compensation pans play important role in developing je better an enhanced relation among the employees and the managers. The health care sector is one of the sectors that require the effective and enhanced labor relations so as to enhance the quality of the performances of the labors. The healthcare sector requires efficient employee relation because this directly impacts the quality of the services that are provided by the labors and thus it directly affects the overall performances of the organization. In order to improve the labor relations, there are various aspects that must be given significant importance. The employees must be equally involved in the development and decision making procedures. This allows the employees and the labors and the employees to feel responsible towards the organizational goals and thus can assist the health care organization to attain the objective of planned purposes and the goals. There are various approaches and strategies that are developed and implemented by the human resources departments of the organizations in order to develop motivation among their labors so as to improve their performances. Therefore in order to influence the employee relation, the organization will have to motivate the employees and labors with the help of effective compensation and benefit packages. They must be given accurate level of salaries because the salaries and the remuneration packages have direct impact upon the satisfaction level of the labors that further impacts the performances of the organization. The rewards and compensation also have positive impact upon the motivation of the labors. It is the blend of monetary and other reimbursements that are provided to the employees as reward for their time and skills that they put in performing their jobs. Therefore, in order to improve the performances of healthcare organization, the labors will have to be given the rewards and recognitions based on their individual and team ...
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