Compassion Fatigue

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Compassion Fatigue

Compassion Fatigue


Studies have shown that the caregivers are an important host of compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue is a stress commonly developed in the people; caregivers providing care to the traumatized people. In which they struggle on daily basis to cope with their environmental changes, they are trained in a way to be caring and fulfilling their needs forgetting their own needs which leads to the compassion fatigue (, 2012).


Warning Signs of Compassion Fatigue

There are certain warnings for the care givers so that they can avoid compassion fatigue. It mainly depends on the personality of the caregivers and how they handle things. Hardiness, displays the individuals low levels of interaction in daily activities, accepting changes and control over events (Gupta, Woodman, 2010, pp17)

Locus of control, the is higher in individuals with external locus who have the capability of achieving higher performance in events rather than the individuals with internal locus. Coping Styles, related researches have been studies on burnout and coping styles , some individuals find it hard to cope with stressful inactive and protective events, whereas other individual deal with less burnout who are able to tackle the stress actively. Personality type, this has a lot to do with the burnout as there are different personality types and the level of burnout can be measured where personality A behavior which go through time-pressured lifestyle, are up for competition, aggression and need extreme control. Attitude, the expectations and attitudes differ in nurses on how they take their job. Some nurses having higher expectations are at higher risk, expecting that their job will face exciting challenges, fun and their desire of achieving success. Sometimes these expectations can be unreal making this the main risk factor of burnout because this leads in the individuals where they overwork their selves to achieve certain levels (Espeland. K.E, 2006. pp179).

Nature of Problem and Their Causes

Compassion fatigue is a type of burnout related with spiritual, deep physical and emotional exhaustion which comes with severe emotional pain. As the caregivers continue taking care and fully devoting themselves to the person they are looking after and struggling to give them the best care, which disables them to fulfill their own emotional and physical needs which then loses the balance of objectivity and understanding. The caregiver can be anyone who is looking after an unstable child or a family member with special needs, who need vigilant care and since this situation is faced day and night it can get fairly stressful. In fact the better control they are getting at providing care, the more they are ignoring themselves since it's not an easy job to stay alert 24 hours (staff writer, 2008).

Many sources are present which can help the caregiver identify the causes of the compassion fatigue. Healing can begin when one is ready to take care of themselves, by simple exercises and practicing healthy eating habits, enjoying social life and having a sound and restful sleep, which can control the cause ...
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