Comparison Of Two Scripts

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Comparison of two Scripts


The paper compares the two scripts between 'the price we pay' and 'The Reflections On Terror And Loss In The Shadow Of September'. The paper compares the background, as well as, depth and breadth of the literary substance present in both the essays. The first story the prce we pay pertains to the incidence of 9/11, whereas, the second story encompasses of the consequences posted by the september 11 incident. Both tshe stories present the background and foreground of terror and loss, and reveals why the United States has been incapable of fighting with the terror so far.

Both the stories are based upon the situation and scenario of the 9/11 attacks, however, both have their own style of writing and depicting the event. The event was a colossal incidence in the history of the United States, so therefore, one has to take an in-depth account of analysis through them. Terrorism is very threatening yet very powerful, that the advancement of The United States in comprehending and predicting the mechanics of terrorism has not been possible for the super power of the global arena of countries. The incidence of 9/11 left a mark upon the history that showed that the nation is not capable of thinking through the lines of terrorism.

The price we pay; A survivors' story

The essay “the price we pay” is a literary masterpiece written by Adam Blum upon the situation and scenario of 9/11 attacks in the United States. The purpose of the essay is to explain the dynamics of the incidence, as well as, the tactics of masses who tended to operate through it. The essay takes into account no external situation that is related to the event, but rather, internal situation that occurred at the very place of the event. The story revolves upon a personal point of view, rather than, a general view point pertaining to the event.

The essay is a very detailed account based upon the reactions of an individual as he approaches the event, as well as, manages to get evacuated from the place of the event, the World Trade Centre. For instance there is a statement “On the 3r floor the lights went out and we heard & felt this rumbling coming towards us from above”; It compares the depth and width of such an event through putting reactions of an individual together with the situations ...