Comparison Of Occlusion With Bps Technique

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Comparison of Occlusion with BPS technique

Comparison of Occlusion with BPS technique


With the development of new technologies in dentistry and increased knowledge and application of preventive methods, world population in general is aging with a better quality of oral health. This is very important because the elderly, in this century, are an emerging new class, not only quantitatively but also qualitatively, with better education, political and social information. This brought a huge amount of needs that the dentist was not used to serve as a significant number of patients with social expectations, functional and similar to that of younger individual's aesthetic. This development is of course reflected in the dental condition of them, who are increasingly concerned about their oral health by preventing tooth loss, improving your chewing ability (Jeganathan, & Paye, 1993).

Chewing can be understood as a set of acts that constitute the first phase of the digestive process, capture, cut, tear, grinding and kneading foods. It can also be defined also as the activity of mechanical degradation food which fragments are joined by saliva give a bolus suitable to be swallowed. Keep in mind that a good chewing is necessary for a perfect homeostasis of the individual, being very important for proper functioning of all organs of the human body.

Even with all the improvements occurred in the general health conditions of the population, it is common that with advancing age, tooth loss will occur, resulting in disorders of the Biofunctional Prosthetic System. In this context, Dentistry professional must be prepared to deal with this situation, because the fact of not having dental treatment, and the absence of proper dental prosthesis aesthetically and functionally, leading to a feeling of mutilation that is characteristic of the elderly. Be in the family, at work or in social matters, they should not be restricted to smile, talk or select proper foods to their functional status chewing.

Thus, this paper aims to conduct a review of literature on the subject of the Biofunctional Prosthetic System, its functions, features and especially changes related to tooth loss, emphasizing the importance of prosthetic rehabilitation to restore function and care necessary in planning, installation and maintenance of prostheses in elderly patients (Blackwell, McCord, 2002).


The stomatognathic system, with its coordinated by the neuromuscular system structures plays important roles for communication and survival of the individual. Chewing is one of those stomatognathic functions of real importance, as is the initial phase of the digestive process.

The masticatory act is a complex physiological process that begins with the crushing of food, and ends with the formation of the bolus. For the execution of this task involved not only soft and hard structures that make up the oral cavity, but also the most distant elements that maintain functional relationships with the stomatognathic system continuity. These are the teeth implanted in the alveolar processes, periodontium, muscles, the temporomandibular joint, the hard palate, the jaws, lips, cheeks, tongue and salivary glands.

Moreover, the chewing allows, through the nociceptive action of the oral cavity, together with periodontal proprioceptors, prevent harmful bodies to be swallowed, ...