Comparison Of National Programs Addressing Contemporary Issues

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Comparison of National Programs Addressing Contemporary Issues

Comparison of National Programs Addressing Contemporary Issues


This paper is principally a research study, which is formulated to compare and contrast two national community programs which are primarily highlighting an issue of our contemporary society. While, formulating this discourse, I have come across with various issues that are becoming harmful for the arrangement of our social structure in various dimensions (Reed, et al. 2012). However, after serious consideration, the issue that I have chosen for my research project in the “Alcohol Abuse among Women”. In this contemporary era, it is rather becoming a lifestyle and need of a particular society that men and women are indulging themselves in alcoholism to get some sort of cultural acceptance (Joanne, et al. 2005). This dilemma is sadly becoming a cultural aspect in the American society. Various organizations are working for the cause of this troublesome practice (Joanne, et al. 2005). Even at national level, various organizations are operation, and running different programs, against the alcohol abuse amongst women (Kathleen, et al. 2001). The programs that I have chosen to be compared in this paper are principle initiatives of National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is running a program named as Alcohol and Public health. Both these organizations are operating in the American region in order to spread awareness regarding the effects of Alcohol upon Women (Kathleen, et al. 2001). Despite of it, these organizations also work on the medication and treatment of the patients who are suffering from the effects of alcoholism (Wu, et al. 2004).

Alcoholism in the American culture is becoming common day by day, people from all age groups are directly or indirectly involved in the consumption of Alcohol, either legally or illegally. The ratio of alcohol consumption in the women is rather less as compare to the men; however, the trend is expanding quite rapidly. Especially young women and girls are more attracted towards the consumption of alcohol in their late teenage life (Joanne, et al. 2005). This is merely to gain social acceptance in a particular sect of community; but their addiction is principally closing the gap between their life and their death, and they are actually not aware of it (Lex, 1994).

Organizations, like National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are making society aware of the causes and consequences of consuming alcohol amongst women (Kathleen, et al. 2001). This consumption not only disturbs the social arrangement, but also effects the environment of a family and the health of a young woman who has to become a mother in future, or a mother who has to nourish young children (Kathleen, et al. 2001).

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) is operating for the cause of the effects of alcohol upon women since decades, and there has been various steps taken under this initiative to bring a constructive social change in the American ...
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