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Comparison Of American & British Legislature Systems

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Comparison of American & British Legislature Systems

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Comparison of American & British Legislature Systems


Even though the US legislative bodies, have been originally inspired by the British model; the contemporary US Congress and the British Parliament have significant differences. The US House of Representatives, along with several significant national along with federal legislatures, have been initially developed through the model of the British House of Commons (Allan et Al, 1963). Over the years the national forces which were drastically different in both the countries helped shaped the legislative systems of both of the countries, as per their regional environments. The American society throughout its inception period has been highly influenced by the democratic forces. In the case of America, shortly after its establishment, experienced a prolong period where it was able to assess the democratic needs of its people, without being involved in too many regional conflicts. The British legislative models however, have been the product a centuries of development. The American government was formed when the fore fathers of the nation decided on gaining freedom from external control and overseas authority (Wright, 1994). The American Declaration of Independence holds the soul of the legislative system, and it did include the several positive British influences.

The British society has prolonged and uninterrupted international existence and this is why its legislative process is highly efficient and has been enhanced by the countless corrective actions. The regional association of Britain in the various European affairs has had a significant impact on its legislative system. Unlike America which has enjoyed its strategic geographic location, by not involving itself in the contentious European affairs; Britain has been forced to mould its legislative system as per the regional environment. America has had the option to remain aloof to the European wars which took place throughout the 19th and 20th century, while Britain was forced to protect its regional interests and adapt to these forces (Moncrief et Al, 1996). The geographic location of both of these countries is only one of the factors which have caused the legislative systems in both of the countries to differ from each other, over the span of time.


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