Comparison Between Marx's & Durkheim's Theories On Religion

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Comparison Between Marx's & Durkheim's Theories on Religion

Comparison between Marx's & Durkheim's theories on Religion

Durkheim's Theory on Religion

Durkheim suggests that religion begin from the concept of sacred vs profane with in a specific population. Sacred usually unites a particular group of people or the same believers. While the profane generally revolves around the individual. According to him the scientific ways cannot define the religion that how it generate and what are the causes, influences and consequences. He selected Australian tribal religion known as Totemism. Totemism is basically deals with the sacred animals, plants, or object linked to different tribes. Totem is a “visible image of a clan, as “flag or any symbolic representation or a specific logo” of the people of a certain tribe. The people of tribes group all the totem in the natural world in accordance with their totemic tribal system. Some people claim to worship the god but in association with the identity and unity of the tribal system. Soul speaks the inner voice, but the body denies usually what the soul says. Means of initiation bring young girls and boys into the tribes. Basically, the youngsters have to follow what their ancestors has practiced, or their tribe suggests doing. Because we know that child learn what he or she watch. Ideas evolute from the soul, ancestors or god, but social foundation occurs what the community follow or preach as a whole, and promote the clan consciousness. His whole theory is based on that religion is greatly influenced by the social influence. Religion serves the society in many aspects and religion only has a social function.

Karl Marx's Theory on Religion

According to Marx, the necessities which are required to pass the life are the most important concern than anything. If the needs are fulfilled accordingly then it is fine for the human being for his or her motivation. Private property starts where the socialism of primitive cultures finish. First it is important for people to first meet their basic needs and then seek to pursue arts, science, politics and religion. As a promoter of communism, Marx rejected all ideas of religion. According to Marx, human behavior is determined by economic conditions, and the struggle among classes between the rich and the poor has created histories.

Comparison and Contrast of Durkheim's and Karl Marx's Theories

As civilizations were altered in France and Europe after the industrial and the French revolutions of the 1800's, religion in the different regions was confronted with disbeliefs, disputes and indifferences. The newly established beliefs held by the people regarded the happiness in life more important and above the concepts of accountability in the life hereafter. The previously prohibited aspects were challenged by the people. It was then when Durkheim decided to make investigations to the real causes of these tremendous changes, and compiled the results in his book The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life.

Durkheim argued that all people do not believe in religion, but those who live in well developed civilizations hold such beliefs and ...
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