Comparison And Contrast Of The Persian Gulf war And The Iraq War

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Comparison and Contrast of the Persian Gulf

War and the Iraq War

Comparison and Contrast of the Persian Gulf

War and the Iraq War


There are two major wars between United States and Gulf, first war started in 1990 that is known as First Persian Gulf War and the second war started with the military invasion of United States in Iraq in 2003. Both these war were in the same reason and between same states, but there are various similarities and differences between the causes, execution and outcomes of these war. In both these Wars, Gulf suffered more losses as the war took place in this region (Zwier & Weltig, 2005). These Wars were against the same ruler that also provides that second Gulf War or the Iraq War was itself the consequence or the aftermath of Persian War against Saddam Husain. These wars resulted in major loses for both countries and finally resulted in the defeat of Iraq and collapse of government of Iraq. The Gulf War and the Iraq war have affected the social, political and economic conditions of Iraq. There are various differences in the time of both these wars; one of the main reasons is the exposure of media and terrorism in the world especially after 9/11 had major impact on these wars. America was determined to end the control and power of Iraq and its threat especially after 9/11 was a major reason for the attack on Iraq in 2003 (Roberts, 2011). Political reasons, international relations and the advancements of weapons were some of the differences between both these wars. Comparison and contrast of causes, execution, and outcomes of both these wars, provides that there are various similarities and differences between these wars.


Comparison and Contrast of Causes of the Persian Gulf War and the Iraq War

There are various reasons for the US invasion of Iraq; one of the major reasons was Iraq's attacks and Invasions on Kuwait. Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia are the three major sources of oil for the world. Iraq invaded Kuwait to occupy their land for the oil and to increase their power and hold on the entire world. After Kuwait and Iraq, Saudi Arabia is the major supplier for oil to the world including United States. According to the Interim Report by United States, “Hussein's invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, sparked the first major international conflict” (United States, 1991, p.1-1). This imposed major threat not only for the Saudi Arabia, but also for the United States. United States took action against Iraq and invaded the region, by Operation Desert Storm against Iraq. Both countries were equal in power and this was the reason that it resulted in end of war without much loss or defeat of any country. Saddam Husain continued his plans and it was clear that soon there is another threat for the attack from Iraq with the nuclear weapons. This was the major cause of another attack on Iraq. United States attacked Iraq in 2003 to destroy Weapons of Mass Destruction ...