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Comparison of Short Stories

Comparison of Short Stories


This paper will discuss two stories from the book, “Sudden Fiction,” by Robert Shapard and James Thomas. The two stories for comparison purpose are The Laughter and The Model. The concept of the two stories is quite different; however, the comparison is presented below.


The story 'The Laughter,' is a story that shows the one situation that can be viewed from two different perspectives. The author makes sure that he conveys his point and does a great job in doing so. He succeeds in showing the reader that a good and happy situation can be dreaded if the situation demands. For the purpose of conveying his message to his readers, the author has created a character that meets the requirements. On the other hand, the story 'The Model' conveys the message of human desires. The wife of a man has died, and soon after the man starts to miss her. In order to cope with his sadness, he finds a way to keep her with himself most of the times. For this purpose, he paints a nude woman. This way he does not miss her and fulfills his desires as well.

The two stories are completely different which will make the comparison difficult. According to the author in 'The Laughter' a person can take pleasure in making someone happy and when he is having a good time; however, when this happiness becomes a hobby, it will be difficult for the person to take derive pleasure from it. “I have become indispensable; I laugh on records, I laugh on tape, and television directors treat me with respect. I laugh mournfully, moderately, hysterically; I laugh like a streetcar conductor or like a helper in the grocery business; laughter in the morning, laughter in the evening, nocturnal laughter and the ...
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