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Human Relations Models

Human Relations Models


The report will cover the key characteristics of human relations models of management. This study will also highlight the direct relationship between people management and performance organizational, corporate and observing trends in their results framework in order to identify what is the importance of human beings to the organization in pursuit of organizational success. The report will also provide the comparison of human relations models of management to scientific management. The organizations used to undertake international projects which needs more refined concept for human relation management. The HR department should be linked to strategic role of business and promote the development of human capital. It will exhibit characteristics of different approaches to the topic of management people and the importance of the Human Resources department as a partner Strategic and its interference with the intellectual capital of the company.

Every member of a social group should be included in the group and live with the differences, respecting them in the name of a good social life. In this sense, boss is sincerely interested in the employees, their problems, be a friend, be helpful, be concerned with the opinion of the group members, be understanding, consider the feelings of the people and concurrently concerned with the smooth running of services. In addition, initiatives such as calling the person by name, talk to people and smile, human aspects are of the highest relevance and that always serve to maintain a peaceful coexistence in any social group, whether inside or outside the company (Shen, 2005, pp. 100).


Human Relations Management

According to human relations management, the economic incentive is not the only motivating force that the worker responds. The productivity of workers is strongly influenced by both their relationships with other co-workers as per their personal problems, both inside and outside the factory. The worker does not behave as an isolated being, but as a group member. These interrelationships create what is called informal organization. It is not necessary that the functional specialization will lead to making organization more efficient. There are two primary factors which affect the productivity of employees such as job rotation (in which the individual switches) and tasks to be performed. The School of Human Relations states that employee, group and their inter-relationships are vital to the outcome required by organizations (Welch,, 2006, pp 250).

The Human Relations Approach claimed that organization would be more satisfying and efficient because workers would not be satisfied in an organization which has cold and formal norms, they will stay just to satisfy their economical needs. It is mandatory to find a balance between the rational and non-rational elements of human behaviour to make them effective and efficient for overall production. It is an essential problem of modern life, society and thought. The behaviour of the worker is a key factor for successful organization. After analyzing these approaches, it can be inferred that managing people now is no longer a vision from merely formal, mechanistic, automaton and answering ...
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