Comparision Between Contracts

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Comparison between Contracts' Answers

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Comparison between Contracts' Answers

Week 07

Question no. 1

How many different forms of resolution of a disagreement (contract conflict) are expressed in the template form and what are they?

In this question, all three types of contract are on different pages. JCT - D&BC defines that there are three forms of resolution of a disagreement. They named it as Mediation, Adjudication, and Arbitration. The Alliance contracting states that the resolution of disagree is principally presented in a template form named as “best for project” and formulated upon the VFM statement of the project owner. This template clearly defines the interest and conflict of any party. The JCT - CEC states that Overriding Principle and Civil Procedure rules are the forms of resolution of disagreement.

Week 09

Question no. 1

To whom and how does each contract allocate responsibility for Health and Safety?

All three contracting are cautious about health and safety. JT - D&BC states that every one included in the contract is responsible fro maintaining health and security at the workplace. However, the contractor has some liabilities regarding health and safety, which he/she need to perform as a part of his/her job. JCT - CEC also states the same argument that all principals are bound to encourage health and safety measures at workplace. However, Alliance Contracting states that principal coordinator is responsible for managing the health and safety concerns.

Question no. 2

To whom and how does each contract allocate responsibility for Value Engineering?

All three contract types are united that Contract is the person responsible for quality engineering.

Question no. 3

To whom and how does each contract allocate responsibility for Progress of the Work?

In this question, JCT - D&BC and Alliance contracting stated that Contract is thesole person responsible for the progress of the work as per the contract. However, JCT - CEC stated that Suppliers are responsible for the progress of the work.

Question no. 4

To whom and how does each contract allocate responsibility for Public and Community Relation?

In this question, JCT - D&BC states that employee is the one who is responsible for the public and communal relations. JCT - CEC states that client is the one responsible for public relations and the community in which the project is building. The Alliance Contracting include all participants as the responsible for maintaining public relations and communal relations.

Question no. 5

To whom and how does each contract allocate responsibility for Sustainability?

In JCT - D&BC form, Contractor is the one responsible for providing all information that is essential regarding project. Whereas, JCT - CEC claim that client is responsible for sustainable development.

Question no. 6

To whom and how does each contract allocate responsibility for Waste?

According to JCT - CEC, Client is responsible for reducing the amount of waste material, through utilizing the wastage and dispose the garbage.

Question no. 7

To whom and how does each contract allocate responsibility for Ensuring the best people for the task are found and employed?

The JCT - CEC states that it is the responsibility of the client to choose ...
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