Compare Three Poems

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Compare three poems

Compare three poems

Compare three poems


First poem I will look into is “a good morrow”, John Donne. This poem about a gentleman in the seventeenth century England. He was hunting in one day and is separated from your group. He sees a young woman beggar, which he considered attractive. He then propositions her for sex (John 1914). Other poems used to in thi analysis are “the lamb” and “The Sun Rising”. It obliges and pereberutsâ in neighboring forest. After a while they find a suitable place. However, the child the woman gets in the way. They are the number of positions without success; people suggested having a child strapped to his back. She thinks it's a brilliant idea and quickly separates young Bobby and moves it to the gentleman. Then she spontaneously departs, leaving the child with the person. This is such a coincidence it was impossible to foresee, assuming that the audience does not expect female strength.

Some of his poems of love and cynical, another almost ecstatic, and celebrate love as a thing in the world. The most famous among them is the "The Sun Rising", "the lamb" and "Good-Morrow."


Good Morrow

John Donne (1572-1631) attributed to the honour of poet who broke Petrarki tradition in England and has created a new regime of poetry. Instead of the full violations, poetry, Donna is expanding from Elizabeth tradition. It implements the existing regimes in every aspect: new metre schemes (although he returned to his sonnet in recent works), rich and original images, conversational, conversational tone and mixing of intellect and passions that bugged by his contemporaries: he and his followers were labeled as a "metaphysical poets". Not that verses Donna is a philosophical intent: its traditional themes, although extended new relationships: love, religious feeling, satire (John 1914).

Poems about love correspond approximately to ...
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